Baby Names

Do you finalize name before LO is born? (POLL)

I'm trying to decide between finalizing a name for my baby girl or heading to the hospital with a list of a few names (probably top 3) and deciding after I meet her. What are you going to do?

Obviously the Team Green-ers will have to wait until after the baby is born to make a final decision... but just wondering if you're going in with a set name for each sex or if you're bringing a list. Thanks! 

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Re: Do you finalize name before LO is born? (POLL)

  • We had a bit of a struggle to find the perfect name but once we chose it it was definitive, we chose the names when I was around 15 weeks and we still didn't know the gender
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Anniversary
  • haha, We choose the names while TTC and announce the name the day of the anatomy scan! We're that sure and excited!

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  • I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

  • imageDominique1219:

    I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

    This is my fear about not finalizing a name. I'll meet my sweet baby girl and then she will look more like a little old man than any of the feminine names we have picked out! Haha :) 

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  • DD was nameless througout the entire pregnancy, and wasn't named until 24 hr after she was born.  We kept going back and forth on 3-4 names, and it took us a full day to put it on paper to make it official.  If/when we have another baby, it'll probably be the same way. 

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  • imageAshleyC0117:

    I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

    This is my fear about not finalizing a name. I'll meet my sweet baby girl and then she will look more like a little old man than any of the feminine names we have picked out! Haha :) 

    My baby didn't look like a little old man at ALL when she was born.  She was born with a full head of hair and long thick eyelashes (damn right I'm bragging)!  She had/has very distinct features. Side-eye me all you want, but I couldn't imagine naming a little person I haven't met. 

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  • imageTheWop:

    I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

    This is my fear about not finalizing a name. I'll meet my sweet baby girl and then she will look more like a little old man than any of the feminine names we have picked out! Haha :) 

    My baby didn't look like a little old man at ALL when she was born.  She was born with a full head of hair and long thick eyelashes (damn right I'm bragging)!  She had/has very distinct features. Side-eye me all you want, but I couldn't imagine naming a little person I haven't met. 


    I don't physically side-eye anyone as I'm not rude. However, I always chuckle (inside) a bit when people refer to their unborn child as such-and-such. Like they are SOOO set on a name that they are going to use that name before they even MEET their child?! It's a name! I don't believe that children always grow into their names. I think that certain names can suit each child. I don't agree with being so set on a name that you MUST use it just because you like the name (especially if the name has no meaning behind it).

    Happily married to my Snorkelbutt - 07/31/10

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  • imageDominique1219:

    I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

     This exactly!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We had finalized names with our last two children, but not with our firstborn (mostly likely because we were team green, and not by choice!). I like having a finalized name. Knowing the gender and the name make me feel more connected to the baby. But I have to say that the surprise in the delivery room with DD1 was an awesome experience!
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  • DH hates talking names so once we agreed on one that was that. Even if I had changed my mind I don't think he'd listen to it. The only think we waffled on was one of her middle names (she has two).

  • Well....the goal is to have a name before the baby arrives, however the way things are going I don't ever think we'll have a name.
  • With DS, we were team green.  We literally picked the boys name the night before my induction so that we arrived at the hospital with a boy name & girl name set; we just had to know what gender baby was!

    With this one, we're finding out the gender & will pick the name out before going to the hospital (if it's a girl, we already have the name since we didn't use it for DS).

    Dylan Gabriel 04/29/10 Aiden Drake 04/28/12
  • I voted 'wait til you meet them', but really I need a special snowflake option.

    We were team green, and mostly had our girl and boy names finalized. We had Linus is the #1 spot for a boy, and Ivy for a girl. But, we had our number two names (Miles and Norah) in our back pocket, just in case our first names didn't fit. Also, we never referred to the baby by either name before he was born. Maybe that was a product of being team green, but I do think it was also because we wouldn't be sure until we met him.

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  • We were team green with LO#1 and had names picked out about halfway through pregnancy.  This time around also team green and had names picked out before baby was conceived.  They have family ties but also are names that DH and I agree on.  He doesn't like discussing names so when we find a name we agree on we are done!  We are not sharing our names until baby is born and can't wait to find out which name we will be using.  I have never understood the waiting to see what the baby looks like theory because they change so much especially in the first days/weeks.
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  • When I was pregnant with #1, we were SET on a name from very early on. But when he was born we both decided that he looked nothing like the name, so we went back to our top 3 and ended up going with #3. It was very strange to mutually agree that we couldnt use the name we planned, but it just didn't feel right. Since then, we've decided to wait until our LOs are born to make the final decision. 
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  • imageDominique1219:

    I plan to have one finalized before LO is born.  I kind of side-eye it when people say "we had this names picked out, but when LO was born s/he didn't look like the name we chose, so we chose something else." 

    Babies looks change so much while growing, that I don't think you can base what you name him/her according to what they look like when they're born.  I feel like if you choose the name beforehand and stick with it, the baby "becomes" their name or grows into it, if you will.

    Hahaha, i read this just after I posted that DS looked nothing like the name we picked! But it's true! It was not something we planned or expected, but when he was born it wasn't so much that he didnt look like name #1, but that he REALLY looked like name #3. We couldn't deny it. I think sometimes people DON'T suit the names they have, and we didn't know it until we met DS.

    DD on the other hand, looked just fine as our name #1 and we felt no need to reconsider it.  

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  • Luckily MH and I agree on names fairly easily. So for our first two we have had names set in stone before hand.

    This time we are Team Green and even though the names is set - I am kind of hoping he'll go for my #1 girl choice at the last minute. But I will be happy either way :)
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  • Well, not completely definitively because we didn't find out gender, but we did come up with a name for each gender that we liked most.  We said that we wouldn't decide for sure until we saw the baby, but as soon as they came out we stuck with the name we had picked.
  • imagebread&jam:
    Knowing the gender and the name make me feel more connected to the baby. 

    Same here. All of the girls/women I've known with our baby girl's name have been feisty, stubborn and strong-willed, and judging from her movements and stubbornness during the anatomy scan*... I think we're making the right call! 

    *She refused to spread 'em the first time (good girl); when the doctor did a second scan, they were able to see that she's a girl.  

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