
Adoption Prayer Group

Hi everyone,


The Adoption Prayer Group is a support group utilizing the power of prayer. If you want to join I will assign you a prayer buddy and all you have to do is simply include that person in your prayers. Very simple-yet powerful!!! The complete listing of partners can be found under Prayer Partners. I usually post on Wednesdays. Feel free to search under Adoption Prayer Group and check in at whatever time of day. If you have any concerns, special prayer requests, or need to reach me outside of the bump please email me at


If you want to join the group and be linked up with a prayer partner please provide the following info: your name, and if you choose your email address. If you?re not comfortable with posting your email address, please feel free to send me a private message with your email address.


Prayer Partners: Joe?s Sweet Pea and Silliest Bunny, Katybug_h and Jen is Silly, Sugardumpling and Ginger71, babywisher and firecracker8, julandjo and cogbot.


I sent everyone a PM with their prayer partner?s email address. If you have any questions about who your prayer partner is or how to contact your prayer partner, please email me. What does a prayer partner do? Basically you get to know each other via email and you pray for each other.


Ginger71, could you please send me a PM with your email address? Thanks J


This Week?s Events:




Special Prayer Requests: Please let me know if you have any prayer requests.


Reflection for the day: Jeremiah 29:11: ?For I know the plans that I have for you? declares the Lord, ?plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and hope.?


Question of the day: When did you decide to adopt? My DH and I decided to adopt after four IUIs all BFNs, 1 IVF ? BFP ? followed by a m/c, and 2nd IVF, BFN.


Group updates:

-If you have any upcoming events (appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) be sure to let me know so I can post them in the events section!!






Re: Adoption Prayer Group

  • ygpm!
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  • Thanks Suzanne! I do love that verse. It brings a sense of calm to my heart.

    We decided to adopt before we did our 2 IUI's. A dr near us does a thing each year where he gives a couple an IVF cycle. Well we were not chosen, but he told us we were perfect for IUI and he would give us one cycle. The day he called and told us that we were getting ready to go to our agency meeting. Well we decided to wait and see if the IUI worked. We did 2 rounds with no bfp. Then went to another agency and .....

                    Our Blessing From God Through Adoption
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                   Our Blessing After TTC for 6 Years (natural birth!)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                             EBFing, CDing, BWing, SAHM
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  • I'd like to join the prayer group, if you'll have me.  We're still a couple of years out from adopting most likely (since I'm in grad school), but I'd love to build a relationship with one of you lovely ladies and offer my support to everyone!
  • I'd also like to join! ygpm!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    Application approved Dec '11
    Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
    After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
    Homestudy complete July 19
    USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
    Come home, baby A!
  • I sent you a PM as well!
  • Beautiful passage :) Thanks again for starting the group!

    Question of the day: When did you decide to adopt?

    Just recently after IVF #7. You can see from my siggie we've been through it all and I never thought I'd be open to another process. The medical stuff was so daunting and I couldn't imagine more paperwork and research and learning another new lingo but it's true what they say:you'll know when you are ready to stop treatments. I am 40 and my body is tired and worn out from what it has been through. I want to be healthy for my baby. My H came home from work the day after my last failure and someone had approached him because he knew we had been trying for a long time. He made my H see it doesn't have to be as overwhelming or expensive as we thought and he told me he was ready to move forward. Ever since then, I have had so many signs pushing me toward adoption. Not to push my blog on anyone but my link is in my siggie if you want to read about some of the wacky things that have happened. I already feel like an AW for writing as much as I did.

    Will keep all of you in my prayers.

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  • me too- can I join?  I know how much it would have meant to me during our first adoption, and now that we are very soon looking into a second adoption I would love some inspiration and support along the way... (I don't really mind about giving this one out!)

    Look for me on Facebook! (reply and I'll tell you who to look for!) imageimage Began meds 9/6/07. Donor ER date 10/2/07. ET date 10/8/07!!! Beta 10/19=BFN Began meds for FET 11/21 FET 12/21! Beta 1/2/08- BFN It took exactly two years of adoption waiting, after two years of IF struggles. Our baby is here! imageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers - new post! image
  • Thank you for doing this. I want to join - YGAPM

    DH and I signed with an agency in October. We have TTC since December 2005, he is azoospermatic and only way to concieve would be to use donor sperm. After a lot of prayer we decided that wasn't for us. Best Decision Ever to adopt and I feel so much better knowing that our child is out there, waiting for us, we just haven't found one another yet. Big Smile

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  • Hey Suzanne and everyone! Suzanne you might remember me from the TTC Prayer Group awhile back, but anyway I would love to join! My name is Porsha and YGPM with my email!

    QOTD: Well, we always wanted to adopt even if we had biological children. We had began looking into foster to adoption and picked our agency last year and we started the process but then stopped! Then we learned that we suffer from MFI earlier this year and did 3 rounds of IUI's all BFN, the process was too stressful, so we decided to jump back in and finish completing our file with our agency!  I truly feel this is the best path for us!

    Married for 10 years, TTC 5 years
    dx: Male Factor Infertility, low sperm count, low motility
    3 Clomid IUI's=3 BFN
    took a break from trying for the last 3 years
    met with doctor 2/2/16, actively TTC #1 again, excited
    Psalm 113:9 "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!"
    ***Fost/Adopt Parents, 1 y/o, 3 y/o***

  • oops, i forgot to answer the question!!  I was diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome when I was 14, and essentially that meant a lot of things but as far as fertility was concerned it meant I had no ovaries, no eggs.  So I always knew my options were IVF w/ DE or adoption.  We had only enough money to try 1 IVFW/DE cycle and 1 FET cycle and both failed. (In NC none of the cost of fertility treatments was covered).  I was heartbroken mainly because we really felt like one of those cycles would work.  About a month after the FET failed we decided to research adoption agencies.  And here we are, after a 2 and a half year wait, with our beautiful little girl!
    Look for me on Facebook! (reply and I'll tell you who to look for!) imageimage Began meds 9/6/07. Donor ER date 10/2/07. ET date 10/8/07!!! Beta 10/19=BFN Began meds for FET 11/21 FET 12/21! Beta 1/2/08- BFN It took exactly two years of adoption waiting, after two years of IF struggles. Our baby is here! imageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers - new post! image
  • I love this week's scripture, it's been one of my favorites since high school.  It can be really tough to remember that when you're in a dark place, though!

    QOTD: DH and I have been TTC for 3 years.  We found out a little over a year ago that we're dealing with MFI, and DH had a varicocelectomy in February.  We've been going for follow-ups with the urologist every 3 months.  I had asked DH about the possibility of adopting a while back, and at the time he wasn't comfortable with it.  I decided to check out some books about IF from the library recently, and one of them was What to Expect When She's NOT Expecting, which DH read cover-to-cover.  After he finished, he really didn't feel like IVF would be a good path for us (when IVF w/ ICSI is pretty much our only shot at getting KU). 

    I stewed about that for a few days, and after lurking on here felt some tugging in my heart that perhaps I should reopen the adoption conversation.  I did that when we were driving to the ILs for Thanksgiving (it's a 5 hour drive), and we had a good long talk about it.  We decided to pray about it individually and then talk about it again, but as soon as that initial conversation was over, we both felt a huge sense of peace about the adoption path, so we've decided to go for it! I'm still in grad school until about May of 2013, so we'll be spending the next year+ researching our options, agencies, etc. and getting things in order.  We may wait until I've found a job in my field and been working a while before starting the application process, but we'll see how we're feeling once we get there.

  • Thank you for doing this!

    Question of the day: I was born with a heart condition, and have always known that adoption would be the best option for me.  Carrying a baby to term would weaken my heart considerably.  

    We always knew that we were going to adopt, but didn't start getting serious about the process until 2009.  At that time, we totally renovated our house, adding additional bedrooms and bathrooms.  We were officially licensed on Oct. 31st of this year, and have been waiting for a placement since.

  • Question of the day: I think in my heart I've always been called to adoption.  I can remember being very young (teenager) and telling my mom I wanted to have a biological child and adopt a child.  

    When DH and I first started dating, adoption came up.  He asked me if I'd be open to adoption in lieu of having biological children.  I said I was open to children however they came to us.

    Fast forward a few years and we were to the point where we either needed to start IF treatments or start the adoption process.  We prayed heavily, and when we had reached our decision our daughter (via her BM of course) found us!   

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