My inlaws took care of our dog while I was in the hospital. To give us a few days to adjust to being home, they kept her a few extra days so we could get a bit more rest. She just got home and knows there is no baby inside of me anymore and is now depressed. Any advice? I was thinking of brining home a blanket today from the NICU to start to get her used to Zoey's scent. I am trying to give her a little extra love and attention.
Re: Pets and Being Home from the NICU
That is so touching! The blanket thing is good. We took our own blankets to the NICU so we had to wash them at home and would let our pets sniff them before laundering.
We also bought a baby doll and carried it around, treating it like a baby so that the pets - and mostly the dog - had a clue that big changes were about to happen. We wanted her used to the idea that she wouldn't be the center of the universe for much longer. And we went overboard on treats and attention when my son came home from the NICU so she'd still feel loved.
I agree alot with OscarQ, I went thru the same thing with my female dog. She just knew. She was always "checking" on the babies, by laying her head on my belly etc,....and the moment I came home she knew...
We showered her with lots of love, and I talked to her telling her it would all be ok.
Lily born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 4 oz.
Max born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 2 oz.
Glenn born at 31 wks: 3 lbs 9 oz.
My twin's birth story
What a sweet dog.
It would be a great idea to bring a blanket home for her to smell. I hope she starts feeling better soon.