
Question to Nikon Users+

I have a d7000 and I was playing around with the night time settings, candle light, etc...when I try to take a picture of my christmas tree, you can't see that the lights are low in the living room and the lights are lit on the's just a full flash picture, it doesn't show the lighting in the room how it really looks as well as the lights on the tree....hope that makes sense!  Am I doing something wrong?
Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

Re: Question to Nikon Users+

  • It's a general photography question.   In order to get the light to shine you need to let the most light in, its done two ways opening the aperture and lengthening the shutterspeed therefore turn off the flash, up your ISO (maybe 800- as I am assuming you are inside), open your aperture (lower the f stop #) and chose a shutterspeed that will allow you to not have a blur but not too fast where light does not come in.  This would be easiest done in manual but if you need an auto setting try the night-time with no flash (lightening bold with a slash through it).  GL!

    p.s you don't have to change the ISO, SS or f stop if you are shooting in an auto mode.  And I am no where near a pro but that's how i understand it

    p.s.s.  if you may need to use a stand or to set the camera down and put it on a timer to reduce shake

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  • I'd ask the on the photography board, I think they would be more helpful.
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  • I'll preface with i truly stink at figuring out my canon.  but when I was trying to get a similar effect on halloween with our jack o lanterns, i ended up getting it when I just switched it to the no flash setting.
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
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