
Anyone have/had the Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair?

What do you think of it?  Is it worth the $?  I have one of those cheapie First Years attached to a chair and I am thinking about something DS2 can grow into more (and DS3 can use after him).  

They are on sale for $199 at Albeebaby, does that seem like a good price to you?  DS2 is 19months, should I get the baby attachment?  Do I need the cushion too?  What color do you like? 


Fortunate to be a SAHM to my 3 musketeers (5/2006, 5/2010 & 12/2011). Soy & dairy free for the 3rd and final time. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage

Re: Anyone have/had the Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair?

  • My girls each have one and I love them. Our kitchen chairs are very flimsy and tip a lot, so I didn't want kids in them for a long time, but we have too little space for a traditional high chair, so they were the perfect solution. We just got the chair and no accessories at all and didn't "miss" them. After seeing how nasty the chair gets I couldn't imagine having a high chair that had any fabric on it at all. Yuck lol!

    I also love that we've occasionally had parties and sent the kids away and were able to set the high chairs up in "adult chair" mode and have extra seating for our guests. I plan to keep these as playroom/extra chairs for company long after the kids are done using them as every day chairs.

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  • Both my boys have them and I love them. We have a red and a blue. I absolutely think they are worth the price. They are well made, look nice and can grow with them. Once we do not use them as kitchen chairs anymore, I will use them in their bedrooms or playroom as a desk chair. We got our second one from albeebaby for $199, that is a good price. You definitely do not need any accessories. For my 1 year old, I use placemats with suction cups to keep the table clean. 

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  • We've had ours for 5 years- totally worth the money.  My 3yo uses it mostly now b/c according to him it's his, but DD still likes to sit there and my 21mo loves to as well.  There's often a fight between the younger two or any other child that comes over for it.  I don't have any accessories, I don't even have the straps on ours.  We have red and I like it with our walnut table. 

    I would have got another by now except we eat 75% of our meals on barstools at the counter.

    DD(7), DS(4.5), DS(2.5), DS(baby)
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