Hi all. I have moved to Baltimore within the past year and I was just wondering if Franklin Square does water births? I had one with my DD and I am hoping to be able to have one again. I asked my DH who grew up in the area but of course he has no clue. No one else in his family seems sure either since none of them have had children recently.
Re: Does Franklin Square allow water births?
I don't think they do. During the hospital tour, the tour guide said the rooms have showers but no labor tubs.
FWIW- Dr Thompson delivered my 2 nieces and nephew. I was in the room for all three. When I switched OBs he was my first choice. I can't remember why I didn't go with him. I believe he wasn't accepting new OB patients at that time. He shares call with Drs Coleus and Kaplan who I ended up with and I really like them too!
I don't think they do. But Harbor Hospital does.
Franklin Square, St. Joe, and GBMC don't allow water births or have tubs.
Upper Cheasepeake has a tub that they will allow you to labor in but you can't give birth in it.
Mercy allows it but it's a first come, first serve.
Special Beginnings and another mid-wife practice does in Anne Arundel county.
DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
Just try to labor at home in your own tub for as long as possible. I had DS @ the Bay Area Midwifery birth center and labored in their tub for a good 2+ hours, but didn't have a waterbirth- I could have if I wanted to though-
I would be more concerned with the fetal monitoring element- does FSH require constant fetal monitoring?
If so will your movement be restricted?
I was induced w/ DD and was basically tied down in a bed as a result- it's pretty hard to say no to the epidural when you are not allowed to move around to make yourself more comfortable and already hooked up to an IV, 2 monitors, BP cuff, etc.