Georgia Babies

Gymboree Classes?

Just saw that Groupon has the Gymboree special going today.  I love the idea of having some sort of structured activity for the weekend, but just curious what you ladies think.  I'm sure this topic has come up before, but I'm going to ask anyway; is it worth it?

Thanks for your advice!

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Re: Gymboree Classes?

  • I went to a sample class once and it was fun. My issue is that if you are a full time working Mom the classes are not convenient at all. There is one class that would work for us and its at 11 am on a Saturday. There aren't even any open gym times convenient for us. I saw the groupon and was really thinking of buying it and then I checked out the schedule. I would go to the website of the location that is closest to you and see if any of them are good for you before I buy it. It's a great deal to try out for a month. You can also go to a free sample class once.
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  • I also enjoy the Library Story times and those are totally free!
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  • We have been going on Saturdays since DD was 6 months and we love it. 

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  • We started E at Gymboree (using a Groupon) when she was about 10 months old and she LOVED it.  So we kept the membership for a few more months, but are getting ready to cancel since her naps have changed and it is harder to find a class time that works.  It was great for me too (I WFH primarily) to get us out of the house during the week.  But I think it would be really tough if you work (plus the weekend classes fill up really fast). 

    Bottom line: I think it is totally worth getting the Groupon and trying it, that makes it very reasonably priced IMO. Then you can decide at the end of the month if it is worth it and if you want to continue. 

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  • We started when Ava was 18 months old via a groupon and loved it.  I highly recommend them!
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  • I have been thinking about the classes as well, I dont see a groupon offer in los angeles, where abouts do you live?? 
  • imagebethplas:
    I have been thinking about the classes as well, I dont see a groupon offer in los angeles, where abouts do you live?? 

    Um, I would imagine she lives in Atlanta, since this is the Atlanta baby board.

    We did gymboree with ds from 5 months to like 2.5 years. We loved it. I want to do it with dd but have to do it when ds is in school and right now the level we need class times don't work.  

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  • We also started it on a groupon and did it around when my son was a year old until about 2 1/2.  He still loved it even when we quit but we decided to switch to gymnastics because they class times and location worked better for us.  I was also just ready for a change and felt he was too.  It is a lot of the same stuff but kids love routine and he enjoyed it so much.  I would definitely check it out.  Also, we had his 2nd birthday party and had the best experience.  It was so much fun.
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