Cloth Diapering

Thirsties XS/NB covers-How many pounds?

How many pounds did your baby weigh before these fit well?  Compared to the Luvs sposies someone gave me, my covers and Diaper Rite prefolds look enormous....which is what got me to thinking about it.  Also, do Thirsties covers irritate the umbilical cord?  Thanks ladies! :)
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Re: Thirsties XS/NB covers-How many pounds?

  • Any CD is going to look big on a newborn. If they don't leak, they fit!

    None of my diapers got close to LO's umbilical cord, but my baby is long.

    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • Ditto pp - CDs look huge on newborns.  DS was 6 lbs 7 oz, and his orange edge GMD prefolds came down to his knees (at least, that's how I remember it).  He grew amazingly fast, though, and it's not like he was going anywhere at that age anyway.  We had some Thirsties XS covers and they fit from birth.  I think I might have had to sag them just a bit to keep them away from his umbilical cord while it was healing, but again, it's not like he was going to squirm out of them.

    Edited to remove pic since I found out TB is apparently reposting pics elsewhere.

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  • OK, apparently I've forgotten how to post photos.  Sorry for the dup, but at least it's showing now.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • For us, they fit from birth (as low as 7 lbs for us) to about 11lbs.  They would actually probably still fit her with a trim diaper.  The prefolds are going to look enormous, but it's ok.  Practice with different folds (youtube is a great resource) and you can find what is the most trim for your baby.  And thirsties XS have a notch at the top for the umbilical cord so it won't bother it.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Aha, I knew I had a pic of DS in a Thirsties, with NB GMD prefold. This is 3 days old, he was a pretty big boy at 8-1/2 pounds. Now that I look at it it doesn't look that big to me, but I suppose compared to a sposie it would look bulky.


    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • DD was in XS Thirsties from birth to about 10-ish lb (she was 6/12 at birth)

    Everything's going to look huge compared to disposables. And that's OK.

    Thirsites never irritated DD's cord

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