Baby Names

Here are my girls names so far...

Delaney  Carmen

Abigail Cecelia

Ava Cecelia


Eleanor Jane

Ella Jane

Josephine Maria

Kieran Danielle



Carolena Maria

Avery Carmen

Re: Here are my girls names so far...

  • I love Ava Cecelia and Ella Jane!!!
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  • imageperfectpair1275:
    I love Ava Cecelia and Ella Jane!!!

    I am really wanting a boy but can only think of girls names LOL.

    I will be happy with either gender but funny how things work...

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  • My vote is for Eleanor Jane
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  • imageAshleyC0117:
    My vote is for Eleanor Jane

    :) This is the only "special" name as it was my great grandma!

  • imagesassafras007:

    My vote is for Eleanor Jane

    :) This is the only "special" name as it was my great grandma!

    Then I double vote for it! I love Eleanor, it is on my short list of girls names although I don't think we're going to use it, it is beautiful and classic. 

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  • imagesassafras007:

    Delaney  Carmen

    Abigail Cecelia

    Ava Cecelia


    Eleanor Jane nn Ella

    Ella Jane

    Josephine Maria

    Kieran Danielle



    Carolena Maria

    Avery Carmen

    I love the bolded names. I think Carolena is pretty but sounds too sing song-y with Maria as a MN. The others are all okay too, just not as pretty as the ones I bolded. :) Good choices!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • really like eleanor jane :)
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  • Delaney  Carmen - Hate Delaney

    Abigail Cecelia - Too popular

    Ava Cecelia - Too popular

    Acacia - Don't like it

    Eleanor Jane - Yes

    Ella Jane - Too popular

    Josephine Maria - LOVE Josephine

    Kieran Danielle - Kieran is a boy name

    Cecelia - Like

    Marielle - Like

    Carolena Maria - is this "-layna" or "-leena?"

    Avery Carmen - Avery should have remained a boy name.  It does not appeal to me on a girl at.all.

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  • imageJaysonandKristin:

    Delaney  Carmen - Hate Delaney

    Abigail Cecelia - Too popular

    Ava Cecelia - Too popular

    Acacia - Don't like it

    Eleanor Jane - Yes

    Ella Jane - Too popular

    Josephine Maria - LOVE Josephine

    Kieran Danielle - Kieran is a boy name

    Cecelia - Like

    Marielle - Like

    Carolena Maria - is this "-layna" or "-leena?"

    Avery Carmen - Avery should have remained a boy name.  It does not appeal to me on a girl at.all.

    This exactly. 

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  • I like most of your choices

     Acacia reminds me of a Retirement home near our house and I don't like Kieran though.

    Married 8-02-08

    After 3 years TTC with PCOS and two losses Olivia Nikelle was born 4-08-13

    TTC #2 Since August 2014

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  • Eleanor Jane

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
    Blog    Names
  • My fave is Kieran Danielle

    like Marielle, Ella Jane and Josephine Maria

    not a fan of the others

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  • Love marielle and cecelia

  • LOVE Ella Jane

    Like Cecelia and Abigail

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I like Mariella and Cecelia. How do you pronounce Acacia?

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  • I like Delaney, Ava, Ella, & Josephine, the others are nms.
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  • Like all the names but Delaney and Acacia.

    Don't know how others say Acacia but I know it as the name of a tree, said "uh-Kay-shuh"


  • I like Eleanor, Josephine, and Cecilia
  • Delaney Carmen - Carmen's NMS, but I like Delaney.

    Abigail Cecelia - Like

    Ava Cecelia - Love, but popular FN

    Acacia - NMS

    Eleanor Jane - NMS, but definitely a good name

    Ella Jane - Love

    Josephine Maria - NMS, but definitely a good name

    Kieran Danielle - To me, Kieran is a boy's name. Keira Danielle sounds nice, though

    Cecelia - I prefer Celia (it's on our short list), but Cecelia is just fine, too.

    Marielle - NMS

    Carolena Maria - NMS

    Avery Carmen - I love the way Avery sounds, but I personally have a thing with using disctinctly feminine and masculine names.

    BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11
    BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
    BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
    "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
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  • My favorites:

    Ella Jane

    Josephine Maria


    Avery Carmen



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    BFP: 10/26/11 EDD: 6/28/12

  • I really like Eleanor Jane.
  • Kieran is most definitely a boy's name.  It's about as masculine as Bob.
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  • Eleanor Jane stuck out for me.. my favorite by far!
  • imagemelody921:
    I like Mariella and Cecelia. How do you pronounce Acacia?


  • imagerubber_chicken:
    Kieran is most definitely a boy's name.  It's about as masculine as Bob.

    So is Camryn... Cameron

  • Kieran is one of my favourite boys' names. It pains me to see you using it as a girl's name. 
    I like Abigail Cecelia and Eleanor Jane the best. I think I like Carolena but I'm not sure if it's meant to be pronounced -leena or -layna either. I would like it with the mn Marie, but not Maria- I think that takes it a little too far into 'cha cha diva' territory. 

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