I've been thinking a lot about the whole naming process lately and theres a lot of talk about whether or not a name is a "good" name. What makes a name good? If its recognizable? Trendy? Meaningful? I was told there are a lot of name nerds here and I'd love to hear some your thoughts on this.
Re: What makes a good name?
What makes a good name is different for everyone. I believe a name should be able to grow with a child, so should have options for when they are younger and older if you want a cutesy kids name - a kid is only a kid for a short amount of her life.
I feel a name should honor your heritage. This is not a must for everyone, but it was important to me.
Spell correctly - and by correctly I mean not just the popular spelling, but don't go all nuts on a kids name. Spelling changes pronunciation.
Do not name your child a name meant for another sex. Not all names are meant to be feminine and adding a Y does not change that.
I also wanted a name that had a good meaning. Again, not everyone cares - I do.
Most importantly - I think a child's name should be liked by both the mother and father (unless there is a reason why both sets of parents are not involved).
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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For me, a good name is spelled right, used on the right sex, is not made up or a modern invention (I like names to have at least a 100 year history). I like names that are easy to spell and pronounce in the area that your child will grow up in. I don't like names that are likely to offend a lot of people (even if you don't care, your child might). I generally avoid names if the meaning is really bad (I'm looking at you Mallory).
A good name also has history and meaning. A good name is a gift to the chilid, and bears in mind that they won't be a child their whole life. It remembers that a name is part of a person's identity, and often times a first impression.
Good question, op.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.