Pre-School and Daycare

Sharing a room

Pregnant with a girl and we have a 3 ? yr old boy. Was planning on having them share a room. But I am a bit worried since our boy is rough & tough. And having a newborn in the room with him might be a bit much. Any suggestions????  We will have the baby sleep in a bassinet for about 2-3 months in our room.



Re: Sharing a room

  • We're doing the same thing, except we will have 2 girls in March and DD will be almost 4.  We're going to try the room-sharing and I'm sure it'll work after some growing pains.  DD is excited about her sister and sharing a room and I think she will cooperate with not waking her sister up unnecessarily, etc. She's a bit wild, too, but I think by June (I'm guessing that's when new baby will be in her crib at night) things will have balanced a little.  Their room will really just be for sleeping (only at night for DD1), so I don't think they'll interfere with each other too much.  This is hoping DD2 sleeps at night as well as DD1 did!
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  • My children have been sharing a room since DD was 26 months and DD was born. 

    DS slept in the bassinet in our room for the first 2 months, but we still kept most of his clothes in their room, also the crib was never taken down.

    The only thing I would be concerned about is making sure there is nothing in the room that your DS could use to get into your DD's crib.  My DD figured out how to get into the crib using a stool and some decorative storage boxes. It wasn't a problem because we were right there and DS was older at that point, but it's still something to be aware of.  

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  • Thanks ladies. That one of my concerns with our 3 1/2 yr old son is the climbing. You would be surprise on what this lil boy uses to get up somewhere? NIGHTMARE!!!! Lol-ing?.  I am due in April and DS turns 4 in June. So we are hoping those 2 months we can work the newborn into the room somehow... He does goes through spurts, when he gets up at night. For any giving reason, scared, thirsty, too hot in his room, etc, etc, etc?.  I guess we have to wait and see. And lots of praying and sleeping lightly... lolol Indifferent



  • Oh and FWIW my DD is a very, very sound sleeper. The type of kid who could have a train come through the room and she would remain asleep, DS is not a good sleeper- we rarely had issues w. DS's wakings waking DD up. Also DD sleeps in in the morning, so rarely has she woken DS up in the morning. 

    I will say that bedtime can be difficult, sometimes if DS is down and DD hasn't gone down yet, we just let her fall asleep in her bed and transfer her after she is fully asleep so she won't wake up DS.  

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  • I'd be concerned about ds getting in the crib with the newborn. Dd1 can easily get into dd2's crib, without anything to stand on. It takes maybe a few seconds and she can do it noiselessly. There have been many mornings and nap times that dd2 has been awoken by dd1 in her bed. They are very close (dd1 misses dd2 or wants to cuddle her or wants to tell her something when she does it). But they are also closer in age, dd1 wasn't able to do it when dd2 was little so I wasn't concerned about this then. 
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  • I might just be concerned that your older child might accidently put baby in dangers way by trying to "cover them up" with their big blanket or something.  Or try to take their baby sibling out.  I apparently did that when I was 3 1/2 and my brother was a newborn.  My brother was ok, but my parents had me "re-enact" how I got him out (by using a doll) and I apparently grabbed it's arm and dragged it over the side!! SurpriseDD is always mothering her baby dolls, so I assume she'd try to do the same with a real baby.
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