Austin Babies

Thank you and God Bless!

When I joined the knot, then the nest and then the bump....I had no idea what I was getting myself into! :)

I am so blessed to have met all of y'all!

Thank you so much for the donations and those of you who made it down to the benefit for my husband. 2011 has been a rough year but y'all have made it better.

Keith is still paralyzed but is slowly getting better. Our neurologist is very optimistic about his progress. They had given us a timeline of 3 years but I know Keith and it won't take him that long to heal! I just know it!

Thank you again and I love y'all!!!!

Re: Thank you and God Bless!

  • I'm glad the fundraiser went well-- I'm humbled by this amazing community as well.  Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your hubby.  I bet he makes a comeback faster than expected too!

    Married October 28, 2006, TTC since March 2009 IUI #1-8 w/ clomid = BFN
    IVF # 1 May, 2011 = BFP!!! Stillbirth at 26 weeks (placental failure/severe IUGR)
    FET #1 February, 2012-- BFP! Beta #1=84 Beta #2= 207 Beta #3= 3,526 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Our Rainbow Baby is on the Way!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Love you chica!

    And happy to say the winner of the auction item we donated already contacted us! Big Smile

    BabyName Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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