Maryland Babies

White Marsh area daycares?

Hi ladies..I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for daycares in the White Marsh area? I have a friend who recently put her baby in the Goddard School but I haven't told her about my pregnancy yet, so I haven't asked her much about it. Also, when do you start looking at daycares if you know you'll need your baby to start going after maternity leave is over?
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Re: White Marsh area daycares?

  • goddard, young school, infants and more are ones i can think off the top of my head. you should start looking now if u are looking into goddard or the young school. they tend to have really long wait lists.

    good luck and congrats 

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
  • I used to work for Celebree Learning Center. They have just opened a branch in Perry Hall and this is where I plan on sending my daughter.
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