Cloth Diapering

VBAC/RCS affecting CDing at hospital

Wow that was a lot of letters! LOL. Anyway, I'm still really early in the game, but I've never CDed a newborn, so I keep asking questions. I started with DD at 5 months. I'm planning a VBAC delivery, but do realize there is the possibility that it will turn RCS. Would that affect your decision on using CDs in the hospital?

We had a terrible time with skin sensitivity for DD and she ended up with a yeast infection (probably from the hep. B shot). Everyone thought she was just allergic to Huggies. I'd really like to not even have 'sposies as an option this go around. Anyway this is my dilemma: I want to use cloth from day one, but I'm worried that if the delivery turns RCS the extra day or two will be really stressful keeping up with and dealing with dirty diapers. Then there are twice as many to wash when we get home. Will I have enough to use them the whole time at the hospital if I'm there longer? How many to take to be sure? Should we use flushable inserts? On and on...

What would/did you do?

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Re: VBAC/RCS affecting CDing at hospital

  • Honestly, I wouldn't use cloth at the hospital.  I wouldn't want to drag a bag of diapers in with me while in labor, or try to keep track of where they are and how many I have, or need to do a load of laundry as soon as I got home.  If you are concerned about rashes, maybe try some greener options, like Seventh Generation or Nature's Best diapers instead of Huggies. 

    And FWIW, your baby can receive her Hep B vaccine at a later date, it doesn't have to be right away in the hospital.

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  • Yeah, this LO isn't getting it there. I just know how sensitive DD's skin is still. The hospital uses Pampers. Ick!!!! Either way, I have to bring diapers.

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  • I'm planning on using disposables in the hospital. I'm in the same boat, may be a repeat c-section. I have to factor in that I probably won't be able to go up and down the stairs to the washing machine once we are home either. So, if it's a repeat c-section it may be disposables for a little longer.
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  • When we have number 2, I will wait to start. I will be a RCS. My doc keeps CS patients 5 days post partum. So not only would I have multiple loads of laundry to do, it would stink horribly. Yes, DH could take them home periodically, but really the last thing I want to do is have him worry about CD laudry. Could you use some of the more natural diapers, like 7th generation?

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  • I can't fathom taking diapers to the hospital, keeping track of them (risking one getting thrown away/put into hospital laundry), etc, but that's just me. I had a vaginal birth w/DS but had a very long labor and had complications afterwards. I will definitely use sposies while in the hospital w/any future kiddos. But all that being said, lots of mamas CD from the very beginning and rave about it, so if you feel passionate, I say go for it! I also don't see anything wrong with a couple days of Pampers but that's just me ;-)
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  • I'll be the odd man out. We are going to CD immediately after birth and during the entire hospital stay. I'm hoping for a VBAC, but will likely end up with a RCS again. However, DH is totally used to CDing since we did with DS, so there won't be a learning curve there for him. So, even if I'm not really up to it, he'll be fine to do all of the diaper changes if I'm recovering from a RCS. 
  • We didn't cloth at the hospital. Too much to think about, for us. We used 7th gen.
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