Baby Names

Opinions on the name Corinne

We're going to start TTC in the next few months and we started discussing names we like and I wanted to get your opinion. For a girl I've always loved the name Corinne (ending with a short i sound). I like that it is a fairly classic name while not being too common.  My concern is mostly with constant misspellings and mispronunciations (co-REEN versus co-RIN). I'm also concerned a bit about nicknames. I'm not exactly in love with the nickname Cory and I'm not sure there are any other nickname alternatives. I'd prefer no nickname at all, but I know it doesn't always work out that way. So do you think these issues make this name too much of a hassle or I am over thinking it?

I'd also like to get your opinion about the spelling. Normally I'm against unique spellings, but this is one I'm not sure about. While I much prefer the classic spelling, I wonder if it would be better to spell the name to make the pronunciation more obvious.I think it will have to be spelled every time anyway.

I realize that I'm putting the cart before the horse because I'm not even pregnant yet, but I appreciate your thoughts. I also hope to be more active in this board as I really enjoy hearing different names and reading about new trends.

Dec '12 & Jan '15
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Re: Opinions on the name Corinne

  • love! it's pretty and underused.
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  • This is DH's favorite name... unfortunately I knew a Corinne in college that was just trashy times 10 and couldn't let the association go, but I think it is very pretty!!
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  • I love the name Corinne.  I think it is so pretty.  Cory is a good nn but not necessarily needed.  I think it is a great name as a girl grows up!

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  • I like the name. I don't think you have to use any nicknames.
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  • One of my best friends is named Corinne so I love it! It definitely does get mispronounced and misspelled alot, if that is a concern for you.
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  • I'm not normally a fan of Cora, but I think it would be an okay nn for Corinne.
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  • I like the name. But the connotation it brings to be is the bad mom in Flowers in the Attic.

    So I wouldn't use it because of that. But I think its a good name and if I hadn't saw the movie and read that book I would have no other connotations.

  • Don't care for Cori but Corrine is darling. Different but not weird.
  • I never think of it being pron with a -een ending. I always see it as Cor--in. I think its nice. I know a Corinne who's older and no one every called her anything but that. I think NNs are something parents introduce to people and later on fellow students/friends etc. BUT at that point she could say no to a NN. 
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  • I like Corinne.

    I wouldn't worry about Cory or mispronounciation.  I think Co-Rin is much more common than Co-Reen (which I have never heard of). 

    Spell it the traditional way.  Honestly, the trouble she would face having to correct the spelling a zillion times would be much worse than the few people who might mispronounce it.

    Married 6/28/03

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    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • I know a few Corrines and their names aren't mispronounced, they don't have nicknames, and they are spelled relatively normally instead of phonetically.
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  • I considered a form of this name for awhile - Corinna - and even did some polls on pronunciation.  For Corinna, a lot of people said they'd pronounce it with the EEN instead of the IN.  I do think that Corinne would have similar misspelling and pronunciation just have to decide if it matters to you or not.

    I don't think it really needs a nn (it's only 2 syllables) but another nn option could be Rinn or Rinna.

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  • I grew up with a Corinne and she never used a nickname.  In college I knew a Koren (pronounced the same though) and she did go by Korey. 

    I also knew an older woman named Corrine and it was pronounced Cor-een.  I've always understood the difference in the spelling to be the key to the pronunciation.  She might need to clarify every once in awhile, but I don't think very often.  And it's such a great name it's worth it.

    I love the name, DH isn't on board.

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  • My grandmother's middle name was Corinne & the name was passed down to one of my cousins. I think it's a beautiful name.  Cora is a cute nn.
  • We have friends with a DD named Corinne.  They call her Rinny for short.  As far as I know, none of us (friends) ever had a problem with pronunciation or spelling once they told us the first time.  I think it's very elegant and classic.
    Due 12/20/11 ~ Lost our Muskrat at 9w2d
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  • Corinne is pretty, and another option I enjoy is Corinna. This is my sister-in-law's name, coined from Muddy Waters' song "Corinna, Corinna". (My father-in-law is a big fan).
  • love corrine and corrina
  • I LOVE the name Corinne!! I think it ages well too. 
  • Thanks for all the feedback! If we do have a girl Corinne it will be :)

    Dec '12 & Jan '15
    I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love.
  • I like it
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  • My name is Koryn (sounds like Cor-in). I think your spelling is definitely more the "norm", so there is a smaller chance she'll be called KORN like I always am! Ha. For what it's worth, I've always liked having a different name. Good luck!
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  • I could have written this post! We are team green and our girl name is Corinne. Like you, I think that the only drawback is the constant misspellings and mispronunciations. I have decided that I love the name enough that this doesn't matter to me though. I dislike nicknames in general, so we will not be using the NN Cory either. You should go for it!
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  • I love it! I have a friend named Corinne and she is a lovely person, so only good associations too. :)
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