Cloth Diapering

Need some help asap please!

hi ladies, i havent been on since my little guy was born, but im having a problem and thought some of you might have some ideas.  my so, rhys, has an awful raw spot on his bottom that just developed. we havent used any new cream or diapers. i think its from him switching to the peanut butter poo phase. anyway, hes happy as long as he is naked, but now its bedtime and he cries as soon as a diaper touches him. we use cjs butter, but that isnt helping right now. any suggestions? tia ladies, i feel terrible for him. forgive the lack of capitaliztion etc.

Re: Need some help asap please!

  • I'd give him a tylenol or whatever you're pedi recommends for pain relief if it's hurting him that much.  
  • Maybe try Calmoseptine with a liner or a disposable insert/diaper?  We've had success using it for a really red diaper rash, and it's marketed to help with bed sores and for people with incontinence, so it seems like it would be worth a try.  We picked ours up at Walgreens in the incontinence aisle.

    November 2010 - 10.5 week loss  o:) 
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    April 2018 - 5 week loss o:) 

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  • try some coconut oil, it's CD safe as well
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  • CJ's never cleared up a bad rash/sore for us. We always used Boudreaux's Butt Paste with a fleece liner (cut up from fabric from JoAnn's).
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