
c/s scheduled

I was hoping for a vag delivery, but still preparing myself for a c/s, so I'm ok w/ it... baby A is breech and baby B is transverse. My OB says there's a slim chance they will change position, so we might as well schedule it. I'm holding out hope that baby boy (transverse) will flip head down - he moves A LOT and has a lot of fluid around him... my OB is ok w/ doing a vertex followed by breech vag delivery... we'll see...

Anyway, I just remembered this means an extra day in the hospital, which is an extra day away from DD :( Did anyone skip out early after a c/s?? I know I was so ready to go home after I had DD - who wants to stay an extra day?? I'm a nurse, so maybe I can talk them into letting me go early?

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Re: c/s scheduled


    Try sooner rather than later. 

    My baby B flipped at 35 1/2 weeks but baby A remained frank breech.  She's the boss lady.

    I understand the desire to go home ASAP; after my 2 d&c's I was up and out of bed and out the door as soon as I hit recovery.

    However from one health care professional to another - don't under estimate the possibly painful recovery of a c-section.  Some people are blessed with minimal pain.  Mine was freaking awful.  Plus newborn twins are hard & a lot of MoM on here with older kids like the extra help/rest of the hospital.  There is nothing set in stone that you have to stay until POD#3.  A lot go home on POD#2.

    Your delivery will be here before you know it!  Congrats. 

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • I'd heard "stay as many days as your insurance will pay for!" so I took the 4th night and fully regretted it. I delivered on Tuesday and either late Thurs or early Fri they asked if I thought I wanted to be discharged. I opted to stay that 4th night because I figured it would be more restful, what with being able to send the babies to the nursery.

    Between the people coming for vitals at 11 and 3 and the people wanting to know how much I peed at midnight and 4, and then the resident at 6 and the rounding physician at 7, I got less sleep there than I did at home.

    I'd plan on taking all 4 days if you need it, but, if you come home earlier, it's a welcome surprise.  

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