I would like to do cloth diapers but I am afraid I would end up overwhelmed with the extra work. I suck at keeping up with laundry as is so I'm afraid to make the investment and then not use them. Any input or advice?
I think it is a scary choice only for the fact of the unknown. I too was (am still am) completely terrified, but it is something that I want to do, so I am willing to give it 100%. If I fail, at least I tried.
The good thing is that the cloth diaper market is huge (who knew....) and you can re-sell if you need to.
Do you research, weigh your options, and then make your decision.
Something I recommend is buying a couple of used diapers (for instance when I started I bought a couple of pockets and a flip and I had a few prefolds lying around the house) and use them for a few diaper changes a day!
This helped me see what type of commitment I was in for and figure out what diapers I liked before investing a lot of money. It helped I switched when my son was 4 months.
I hope that helps!
DS1: 4/15/2011
Dx: ASD, SPD and receptive and expressive speech delay at 21 months
Something I recommend is buying a couple of used diapers (for instance when I started I bought a couple of pockets and a flip and I had a few prefolds lying around the house) and use them for a few diaper changes a day!
This helped me see what type of commitment I was in for and figure out what diapers I liked before investing a lot of money. It helped I switched when my son was 4 months.
I hope that helps!
I too was having a hard time deciding if I should cloth diaper or not as our little man is almost 1 already. I just ordered two diaper covers and a few prefolds to see if I would really like it I'm waiting for them to be delivered! I have to admit I'm kind of excited
I would like to do cloth diapers but I am afraid I would end up overwhelmed with the extra work. I suck at keeping up with laundry as is so I'm afraid to make the investment and then not use them. Any input or advice?
I bought some used pockets while pregnant. It took me 4 months to finally use them strictly based on fear of the unknown. I am a little angry with myself for waiting so long. I struggle with laundry and really thought it would be too much work. I have an acquantence who used to CD and gave up because it was too difficult in her opnion. She said there was no way with working FT and going to school FT that I could do it. Honestly, it is easy (she is a little lazy). I definitely have my favorite dipes and I enjoy washing them so I always have them ready.
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Buy used. If you really hate it, sell them and get back most of your money.
It's just laundry. I throw them in to rinse, go have my shower and eat breakfast, then turn them on to wash. Eventually, I hang them or throw them in the dryer. After LO goes to bed, I retrieve them and stuff the pockets. It's maybe 10 combined minutes of work, every 2 or 3 days. I definitely have 10 minutes to save two thousand dollars.
I was nervous about it, so we used a diaper service for the first 4 months of my son's life. When he was 4 months old I bought my stash and haven't looked back!! I loved the service and it was a great stepping-stone for me and gave me the confidence to do it on my own.
I'm not great at keeping up with laundry, but it's much quicker to throw a load in the wash when diapers are low than to pack up baby, drive to the store, and buy more diapers.
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Think of it this way... Now that you have done your research, can you, in good conscience, contribute all that unnecessary waste into the environment? Are you willing to risk your child's health for a matter of convenience? Do you literally want to throw away money when you could be saving thousands?
I've said this on another post and I will say it again- Cloth diapering is fun. I truly do not mind doing the laundry, stuffing the pocket diapers and getting the wipes ready for the next use. I get excited to buy new cloth diapers. Do you think anyone has ever been excited to buy more disposables? Nope. Doing a load of laundry is a heck of a lot easier than running out to the store with a baby.
It is scary at first, but you will quickly get into a routine. One more load here and there is not going to be a big difference.
I am so glad I made this decision to CD my babe. He looks so stinkin' cute in them! When I see pictures of a baby in a disposable I cringe a little bit. You can do it! GL!
Just thought I'd jump in and say that I absolutely loathe doing laundry. I let it pile up until we are pretty much completely out of clothes, and then half the time I let it sit in the dryer for way too long - seriously, I hate it.
That being said, I don't mind CD laundry at all. In fact, I almost kind of like it because it feels productive to get it all done and it's so easy. Toss them in, go through the wash routine, toss them in the dryer, carry them upstairs, and toss them in the drawer. No folding/hanging necessary, so it's not a process I hate. In some weird way, I almost miss doing CD laundry now that DS has been potty trained for a while. lol
I'm also terrible about doing laundry. Though, with CDs, I always get them done so easily (even when clothes have been piling up). There's no folding to do, so ut'snot so bad. And when I am lazy about it, sometimes pockets don't get stuffed until right before she wears the diaper, but that's no big deal. I don't find it to be a lot of extra work. If I were you, I'd definitely try it before deciding not to. Like others have said, it is fun!
I suck at getting laundry done and I was nervous about CDs because of that. LO is 7 weeks old and it is so much easier than I thought. I just toss the in hit the buttons and switch when they are done. No extra gafbage to haul out to the curb, noneed to hunt for somwhere to toss a dirty diaper when out and about, and no last minute pack up the baby to run to the store for more diapers. FTM here but it seems easier than spousies.
Re: Cannot decide if I should do this...
I think it is a scary choice only for the fact of the unknown. I too was (am still am) completely terrified, but it is something that I want to do, so I am willing to give it 100%. If I fail, at least I tried.
The good thing is that the cloth diaper market is huge (who knew....) and you can re-sell if you need to.
Do you research, weigh your options, and then make your decision.
Good luck!
Something I recommend is buying a couple of used diapers (for instance when I started I bought a couple of pockets and a flip and I had a few prefolds lying around the house) and use them for a few diaper changes a day!
This helped me see what type of commitment I was in for and figure out what diapers I liked before investing a lot of money. It helped I switched when my son was 4 months.
I hope that helps!
I too was having a hard time deciding if I should cloth diaper or not as our little man is almost 1 already. I just ordered two diaper covers and a few prefolds to see if I would really like it I'm waiting for them to be delivered! I have to admit I'm kind of excited
I bought some used pockets while pregnant. It took me 4 months to finally use them strictly based on fear of the unknown. I am a little angry with myself for waiting so long. I struggle with laundry and really thought it would be too much work. I have an acquantence who used to CD and gave up because it was too difficult in her opnion. She said there was no way with working FT and going to school FT that I could do it. Honestly, it is easy (she is a little lazy). I definitely have my favorite dipes and I enjoy washing them so I always have them ready.
Buy used. If you really hate it, sell them and get back most of your money.
It's just laundry. I throw them in to rinse, go have my shower and eat breakfast, then turn them on to wash. Eventually, I hang them or throw them in the dryer. After LO goes to bed, I retrieve them and stuff the pockets. It's maybe 10 combined minutes of work, every 2 or 3 days. I definitely have 10 minutes to save two thousand dollars.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
I was nervous about it, so we used a diaper service for the first 4 months of my son's life. When he was 4 months old I bought my stash and haven't looked back!! I loved the service and it was a great stepping-stone for me and gave me the confidence to do it on my own.
I'm not great at keeping up with laundry, but it's much quicker to throw a load in the wash when diapers are low than to pack up baby, drive to the store, and buy more diapers.
Think of it this way... Now that you have done your research, can you, in good conscience, contribute all that unnecessary waste into the environment? Are you willing to risk your child's health for a matter of convenience? Do you literally want to throw away money when you could be saving thousands?
I've said this on another post and I will say it again- Cloth diapering is fun. I truly do not mind doing the laundry, stuffing the pocket diapers and getting the wipes ready for the next use. I get excited to buy new cloth diapers. Do you think anyone has ever been excited to buy more disposables? Nope. Doing a load of laundry is a heck of a lot easier than running out to the store with a baby.
It is scary at first, but you will quickly get into a routine. One more load here and there is not going to be a big difference.
I am so glad I made this decision to CD my babe. He looks so stinkin' cute in them! When I see pictures of a baby in a disposable I cringe a little bit. You can do it! GL!
Just thought I'd jump in and say that I absolutely loathe doing laundry. I let it pile up until we are pretty much completely out of clothes, and then half the time I let it sit in the dryer for way too long - seriously, I hate it.
That being said, I don't mind CD laundry at all. In fact, I almost kind of like it because it feels productive to get it all done and it's so easy. Toss them in, go through the wash routine, toss them in the dryer, carry them upstairs, and toss them in the drawer. No folding/hanging necessary, so it's not a process I hate. In some weird way, I almost miss doing CD laundry now that DS has been potty trained for a while. lol
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