The priority registration form for next year came home today. I was looking at the options and the price difference between the 4 day (which we do now) and the 5 day pre-k program is $20 p/m. I am really torn on what I should do, given the arrival of the new baby in June. Would the 5 day program be better for C so that I he is not climbing the walls during nap times when we are stuck at home? The 5 day program will ensure that he gets out and has structured activity 5 days a week. On the other hand that means that I have to rally the troops 5 days a week and be out early, do I want to do that to myself with an infant? Part of me also feels like he has his whole life to go to school 5 days a week, but he does much better in a structured environment and as a result is much better at home with me in the afternoons. I am so torn on what to do. WWYD??
Re: Preschool: 4 or 5 day dilemma
I would go for the 5 day, especially if he does better in a structured environment. Like maykat said, you can always pull him out for special occasions.
Our preschool doesn't offer 5 day and every single Friday Tess has a mini flip out when she doesn't get to go to school but Emma does. That said, I do enjoy having her home with me 1 day during the week. I say that now because she's being all sweet and precious this morning, my work line isn't ringing off the hook, no emergency cheesecake emails, PTA meetings, etc...some Friday's are more hectic than this one is so far
Anyway, we've made it this far in the year and unless my work situation changes between now and next year we'll probably stay with the same school and do PreK4 which is still just Mon-Thurs from 9:00-1:00.
Will you be able to put the baby in 1 or 2 mornings a week so you have a kid free day to yourself? If so, I would probably lean towards putting C in the 4 day program. Although for only $20 extra per month for the 5 day I might sign up for that class and give my self the green light to miss a day every now and then if we just weren't feeling it that day, you know? Sorry, I know I'm no real help but that's all my rambling line of thinking!!
Bailey goes full days and Bryce will in January but only M,W,F. I love having 2 days at home with them so we can do stuff during the week. Mornings are the best time for my boys so I can't plan much in the afternoons b/c everyone is grumpy. Of course for only $20 more a month it might be worth it and then you can always pull him one day to go do soemthing different.
Oh and with the 2nd I wouldn't worry as much about nap time. Bryce took most of his naps in the sling or the stroller. We're pretty strict on nap and bedtime but with the 2nd I had to be more linent with the morning naps. Baiely goes a little crazy being couped up inside. And thankfully our babies will be born in June so it's a little easier to get them out and about with the warm weather.
I would do 5 days a week. Right now, H is going 3 days a week. I so wish I would have signed her up for 5. I would do it now, but she would have different teachers and different students in her class and she is attached to both - too late to change. I'm telling you, school has been the best thing for her since A was born. It gives her structure/discipline and social time and she freaking loves it. It's something just for her that she doesn't have to share with her baby sister, plus she gets to be with her friends. The other 2 days of the week when she is home, she is bored and bouncing off the walls.(we don't take A out a ton bc she won't nap on the go and flu season) Our nanny and I come up with lots of activities to keep her busy and happy. With that said, I still she think she would rather be at school since she talks about it all the time. Just my 2 cents.