Baby Names

Delilah? Lila? or Isla? haha

which do you prefer?

A poster suggested in Delilah on my last post and I like it! Does the name have a really bad meaning in some peoples eyes? We could call her Lila sometimes, though I am not really a NN person I would do that. 

Dh loves Isla...and im ok with it.  

give me ratings on them please! thanks 

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Re: Delilah? Lila? or Isla? haha

  • My favorite is Lila.  It's more streamlined than Delilah and it does not carry the same negative connotation.

    Isla is pretty but it has high likelihood of being mispronounced.

  • Isla - no

    I like Delilah nn Lila, and just Lila by itself is pretty too

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  • I love them ALL!  All 3 were on my list for a girl.  My mom says she is glad we didn't go with Delilah because of the Biblical reference, but I'm pretty sure that's what I'd go with now.  But obviously some people will think it has a bad meaning so if that bothers you then you can narrow down your list.  Lila is my second favorite of the 3 and then Isla.  But they are all so beautiful....makes me kind of wish I'd had a girl after all. ;-)
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  • Yay, that was me! ;) I like the name. It's on our long list. Have you ever heard the song Delilah by The Plain White T's? Every time I hear it, I want to bump the name up higher on our list. I know that the biblical association with the name isn't stellar, but that's not enough to deter me from liking it. Not everyone agrees, though. Do you think your husband will like it?

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  • imageBlindysWife:
    Yay, that was me! ;) I like the name. It's on our long list. Have you ever heard the song Delilah by The Plain White T's? Every time I hear it, I want to bump the name up higher on our list. I know that the biblical association with the name isn't stellar, but that's not enough to deter me from liking it. Not everyone agrees, though. Do you think your husband will like it?

    haha thanks! 

    Well we aren't very religious but live down south so, you know some people may have issues.

    I think if we did Delilah and some people had issues I would have no problem with them calling her Lila. Our famillies would have no issues with it,its more my friends who are more religious but who knows? You can't really look at a baby with that name and be like, "oh thats horrible" while looking at the baby ;) plus we dont tell names before the baby comes (plus we're team green).

    I think he would like it....he's away for work so I emailed it to him to let him look at it instead of just hear it. We'll see. Ill keep you posted. 

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  • DH and I aren't particularly religious (well, we're not Christian anyway), so I'm not all that familiar with Delilah's story in the Bible. I always associate the name with The Plain White T's and the Disney movie Homeward Bound 2: Lost in San Francisco.

    I actually like it better than Lila b/c even though that name is pretty, it just seems incomplete to me for some reason and Isla bugs me b/c for the longest time I thought it was pronounced like Ilsa (I-L-S-A) and now every time I see it, I just think of islands and eyelashes, ect.

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  • IMO, 1) Lila 2) Delilah 3) Isla

  • imagePuppylove*85:

    My favorite is Lila.  It's more streamlined than Delilah and it does not carry the same negative connotation.

    Isla is pretty but it has high likelihood of being mispronounced.

    This exactly. 


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  • I love Delilah.

    Second place is for Isla, then Lila last. It's perfectly nice, but a little vanilla to me.

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  • I like Delilah better than Lila and Isla.  The Biblical reference wouldn't bother me, but probably other people I know would be bothered by it.  But, eh.

    Another option that's somewhat similar is Myla...a bumpie who used to post here regularly has a cutie named Myla Pearl.  Do you like that?
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  • I love Delilah.I'm kind of sick of Lila/Lilah,it seems I've been hearing it alot lately.Isla is NMS-it's an ok name but I just don't get the rising popularity.

    I also think PP's suggestion of Layla/Leila is nice as well.

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  • My sister considered Delilah, then Lorelei, then ended up with Laurel.  I like Lorelei and Laurel better than Delilah.

    Lila is pretty.  Isla is getting tired in my eyes. 

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  • I like Delilah nn Lila
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  • Love Delilah! 

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  • 1.) Isla

    2.) Delilah

    3.) Lila 

    ETA: I should add that although I like Delilah and think it's a beautiful name, I wouldn't use it specifically because of the biblical reference. Our families would sh!t many kittens. Dahlia is another option, though. 

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  • I like them all.  But Deliliah is especially pretty in my opinion. 
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  • I love Isla. I'm not crazy about the other two for some reason, but Isla is one of my favorite girls names.
  • Lila(h) is my fav
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  • imageBlindysWife:
    Yay, that was me! ;) I like the name. It's on our long list. Have you ever heard the song Delilah by The Plain White T's? Every time I hear it, I want to bump the name up higher on our list. I know that the biblical association with the name isn't stellar, but that's not enough to deter me from liking it. Not everyone agrees, though. Do you think your husband will like it?


    Love the name Delilah!! I think it's pretty, (the Hello there Delilah song was mine and DH's wedding song.. (he sang along when we heard it on the radio. on our trip out east when he proposed... only he'd change it to my name haha )


    I never knew there was a bad bible connection.. but I'm not relgious. so I dont see how it really matters

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  • 1.  Isla

    2.  Delilah

    3.  Lila (a far distant 3rd)

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  • I'm not a fan of Delilah and not just cuz of the Biblical reference.  Just nms.  I still like Lila and Isla.  I don't know that I can rate them cuz I think I like them both equally!  The only thing that makes me like Isla more is I think Lila is gonna end up being a really popular name.  (Again, I'm no help to you in your posts, haha). 
  • imagehewinked:
    I'm not a fan of Delilah and not just cuz of the Biblical reference.  Just nms.  I still like Lila and Isla.  I don't know that I can rate them cuz I think I like them both equally!  The only thing that makes me like Isla more is I think Lila is gonna end up being a really popular name.  (Again, I'm no help to you in your posts, haha). 

    haha, well I think we scraped Lila as a name, Delilah is on the table and Isla is getting there... ;) 

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  • Lila, then Isla.

    My kids are Finn and Lila :) 

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  • Hey there Delilah. Love the name, love the song--I think it's beautiful.
  • I actually like Del or El for Delilah
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  • LOVE Isla.

    Meh to Lila.

    Dislike Delilah. 

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  • I think naming your daughter Delilah is right up there with naming a child Judas or Barabbas or Lucifer...they're all Bible villains.

    That being said, Hey There Delilah is a beautiful song and I think the name itself is beautiful.  I think that song has helped improve Delilah's image, but personally I still wouldn't go with it.  

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  • I LOVE Isla and Lila.

    I'm ok with Delilah as a sound but don't like it as much as the other two. The biblical connotations don't bother me. It does make me want to burst into song, and it swings between Tom Jones and, "hey there Delilah" depending on the day.


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