
Ways my MIL/FIL annoyed me over the weekend:

Part 1 in an on-going series:

1. Dinner's ready.  I go to get Will's plate ready.  FIL "runs" to be the first to get his dinner.  I have to wait for him to take his sweet time to get his food before I can get Will's food.  Will meanwhile is waiting IMpatiently for his dinner while FIL is sitting at the table eating already.

2. Will has an inflatable Diego doll that he is attached at the hip to.  FIL takes it and starts punching it.  Will was horrified, as was I.  Bastard, you break Diego, you're going to go find a new one.  Seriously.

3. Will is begging for a donut.  (The way he says donut is adorable.)  I tell him no.  MIL hands him the bag of powdered sugar donuts, "It's empty, he can have it."  No MIL, it's not empty.  I was just telling him that so he wouldn't beg.  He gets a donut and eats it. 

4. Dinner last night, Italian sausage sandwiches.  I refer to the sausage as a hot dog so Will would eat it.  MIL: "It's Italian sausage, not a hot dog."  Thanks woman, now he won't eat it. 


Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: Ways my MIL/FIL annoyed me over the weekend:

  • I'm sorry, that really sucks.  Have you talked with your IL's to let them know who rude they are??  Has you DH ever said anything?  I would put a stop to that immediately, or it will only get worse!
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  • how much longer?  Do you have an estimate of when the new house will be done? 

    I feel for with my IL's would drive me to drinking...or something.  I couldn't do matter how temporary it would be.

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  • sounds like they are very charming Confused
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • H thinks it's funny.  They're "just joking."  He doesn't get it at all.  They can really do no wrong in his eyes.

    And I'm totally getting a hotel room for the weekend.  His sister, her husband, their two kids, and his other sister are all going to be here for the weekend.  Thank you Jesus, I have to work or I might spend the entire weekend in a drunken stupor. 

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • aren't il's great?! Confused

    that sucks, i would be put behind bars if i had to live with my il's.

  • Honestly, I think these are all minor things.  Annoyances?  ABSOLUTELY!
    But I think, overall, these things wouldn't annoy as much if you weren't living there.

    There are going to have to be a TON of concessions made on your part --- or you are going to go over the deep end while living there.  You have roughly 5 more months there --- don't drive yourself nuts with the "small stuff"!!

    I know, easier said than done. 


  • imageJodi&Joe:

    Honestly, I think these are all minor things.  Annoyances?  ABSOLUTELY!
    But I think, overall, these things wouldn't annoy as much if you weren't living there.

    There are going to have to be a TON of concessions made on your part --- or you are going to go over the deep end while living there.  You have roughly 5 more months there --- don't drive yourself nuts with the "small stuff"!!

    I know, easier said than done. 


    Very, very well said.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • honestly, 3 and 4 are just focking unreal.  that is exactly why I hate spending ANY time with mil.  we were there for literally 1 second.  she grabs G and says you want grapes don't you.  he says No.  she repeats that 5 times and proceeds to shove an uncut huge grape in his mouth whil s and I scream NO, no uncut grapes.  she makes a nasty pissed off face and says, here let your mom do what she thinks is right.  I cut the grape and G pushes it away b/c he didn't want any in the first place. 

    sorry that you have to deal with this sh!t.  I know how annoying it is.

  • Ugh, I couldn't do it.  I hope that your house gets done sooner than expected.  And why was he punching his Diego doll.  That is teaching ds bad behavior.  You need to say something about that the next time he does it.  What a moron. 

     My inlaws gave dd cake yesterday too before dinner after I had asked them not to.  wtf?

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Oh, and just so you know, ALL grandmas are like that with food.  It used to drive me freaking BANANAS when I had Joey.  I didn't sleep one entire night because I was up worried that Joe's mom fed Joey adult jarred applesauce--- you know how much SUGAR is in that stuff.  And I took the time and effort to make all of Joey's baby food.

    Anyway -- my point --- along came Cam and well, they have taken to eating Oreos for breakfast.  I don't even care at this point.  No worse than a doughnut and when you have two --- there are just so many other things to focus on.  So while I was irrationally insane about what went in to Joey's mouth as an infant/young toddler, it was all for not (or should that be "naught" <--- I have no idea!) once Cam came along!   ;)

  • #&$(#*&$(@)#@!

    You've given me the chills thinking about what the holidays are going to be like. I can't imagine doing that EVERY.DAY.  It would kill me. 

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