

Hi, I wanted to stop by to introduce myself and get some input. I am 26 and just found out that I am pregnant with twins!! My husband and I are very excited and a bit shocked. This is my first pregnancy and every little thing makes me worry. Yesterday we went to our second OB appt. where we got to see both hearts beating. We were told that both hearts are beating very strong and that so far so good. However, the doctor wants me to go to a specialist and I am currently on bed rest due to cramping and light spotting. I wanted to know if any of you have had this issue with the spotting and how far were you when you started to show? This may sound crazy but I can't fit into my pants. LOL! They just don't button and are so  tight it hurts. I've already gone up in pant size and now I cannot stand anything touching my stomach. Also, When I went for my u/s I was told baby A is 7 weeks 5 days and baby B is 7 weeks 3 days. Is that normal? Thank you and HI!
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Re: New/Questions

  • Congrats!  I can't answer your first question.  I'm nearing 12w and most definitely showing now.  Since I used fertility medication I had some hyper stimulation and was majorly bloated to the point of nothing fitting at 6w.  I've been exclussively in maternity clothes for two weeks.  I know a lot of women will say they didn't show that early but I was 5'3" and 120lbs with a very short torso to begin with so I think that made a huge difference.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • I didn't have spotting, so I can't speak to that, but its normal for the babies to measure a few days apart.  The bloat I experienced was intense too!  I did the rubber band trick to get some more wear out of my clothes.  That worked until about 17w and then I had to migrate over to maternity clothes. 

    Its hard not to worry, especially with a multiples pg, but TRY!  Enjoy it!  


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Congrats! I'm am 27, 26 when we found out we were pregnant w/ twins as well! :)

    I also had spotting in the beginning a few times but it was due to what they call a subchorionic bleed. I wasn't put on bed rest but I was put on STRICT Pelvic rest for most of my pregnancy until it fully disolved.  I am now about 30 weeks and the bleed didn't effect the twins at all, thank God. 

    I started really showing around 16/17 weeks or so where people noticed..but i definitely noticed it weeks sooner.

    In the beginning my babies also measured one ahead of the other by a few days....they ended up catching up to eachother though and now for awhile have been at the exact same weight and measurements.

    Best of luck with everything and definitely use this site, it's amazing!

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  • Welcome!  I can't speak about the spotting, but I do think it's more common in women with multiples.  As for showing, I didn't really show much until closer to 20 weeks.  It just depends on the person  What you have right now might be just bloating that will actually go down a little before you begin to show.  As for your babies' measurements being apart a couple of days, that's normal, don't worry!  Finally, it's god that your doc is sending you to a specialist. Most of us do/ did see one.  Stick around this board.  There are lots of smart, experienced women here!
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  • Thank you guys! Emotionally & physically I have calmed down but just cant wear pants! Hehe! I feel like a bum! I have RA and had to get off all my medications and now I just feel huge and swollen. My husband had to buy me bigger PJ pants because I cannot stand anything tight on my stomach and I haven't been able to put my regular pants on at all. This is sad but I had to wear wind pants to Thanksgiving (which I was happy I could go). I guess I'll go up in pant size again. 
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  • Congrats! Twins are so wonderful! I also had IVF so was very bloated and not fitting tight pants by 6wks. By 12wks I was visibly sporting a baby bump and by 16wks people were talking to me about the pregnancy so there was no question. I always showed about 8wks ahead so looked 6mo when I was 4mo. Welcome to the board. The ladies here are amazing- they were lifesaving to me early on.
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