a couple questions...
1- do you still use the changing table to dress/change DC?? I do, only because it's easy and he doens't try to run away!
2-do you still rock DC to sleep?? I do, although we have been trying to break this "habit" and it's not working. CIO isn't an option for us, we have tried it a couple times and DS works himself up so much that he'll puke
3- if DC is still in a crib, have you thought about transitions to a big kid bed? if so toddler or twin?? I really think we are going to go right to the twin bed, but everyone keeps saying that's not a good idea.
4- Have you even begun to think of potty training yet?? DS sill sit on the potty off and on, but i don't think he's anywhere near ready to actually be potty trained.
Re: mom's of 2 yr old or around
DS was 2 in June.
1- do you still use the changing table to dress/change DC??Just to change - not to dress.
2-do you still rock DC to sleep?? We hold his hand until he's asleep. It won't be forever. I'm very against CIO.
3- if DC is still in a crib, have you thought about transitions to a big kid bed? DS went from full time cosleeping to part time toddler bed just recently. I only did a toddler bed because it's a convertible crib.
4- Have you even begun to think of potty training yet?? DS doesn't seem to be ready so no.
1- no, I rarely used it at all
2- yep, still rock her but only for a few minutes, then she askes for her bed.
3- Nope, not even on my mind until she's older or tries to get out.
4- Yes, I tried in August, she asked for her pamper back. I will try again in December. she does go more than a few times a week but when SHE wants to.
We don't use the changing table anymore. He would flip off of it. Not to mention that it's currently in storage.
I never rocked Will to sleep. He is too squirmy and wouldn't sit still long enough to be rocked. We had to do some (minimal) CIO, but he's always been pretty good about going to sleep on his own.
He's in a toddler bed right now. When our house is done we're getting a full size bed for him.
He will sit on the potty, he's gone a few times, but nothing major. I don't think he's ready yet.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
1. yes
2. Nope
3. She will stay in until she crawls out or I am pg again and want the crib for the next baby
4. She sits on it, but rarely goes..she isnt ready yet, but likes it
a couple questions...
1- do you still use the changing table to dress/change DC?? never used it much... I dont ever use it anymore..
2-do you still rock DC to sleep?? I rock her while I read her 2 books each night.. not to sleep though...
3- if DC is still in a crib, have you thought about transitions to a big kid bed? if so toddler or twin?? I moved dd to a twin bed when she was about 14-15 mon old...
4- Have you even begun to think of potty training yet??bentlie was 95% potty trained before the new baby came.. but now not so much.. she goes in the potty several times a day i havent changed a poppy diaper in a long while..
DD is 28 months...
1- do you still use the changing table to dress/change DC?? No
2-do you still rock DC to sleep?? As of last week, I would rock her, say prayers, and cuddle. She would tell me when she was ready to go into the crib. On Friday we transitioned to a twin bed.
3- if DC is still in a crib, have you thought about transitions to a big kid bed? if so toddler or twin?? We transitioned to a twin on Friday night. We are using the crib for the baby. I didn't see the point of getting a toddler bed and having to purchase another crib mattress, and then a regular mattress in the future. Who knows.. maybe a toddler would have been an easier transition though.
4- Have you even begun to think of potty training yet?? DD will sit and use the potty but not regularly. We are waiting a few more months before we get serious about it.
I havent used the changing table since she was 6-7 months old
I have no problems putting her to bed...we cuddle with a sippy of milk....when she's done she goes to bed no fuss no problems.
We put her in a twin bed shortly after she turned 2....I would have kept her in the crib but Britt got a new bed and Michelle was getting Britt's old bed. It was in my dining room and I got sick and tired of seeing in there.
I've tried a few times but she just doesnt get it so I'm gonna wait awhile.
1- do you still use the changing table to dress/change DC?? I do, only because it's easy and he doens't try to run away!
No - I did use one at all
2-do you still rock DC to sleep?? I do, although we have been trying to break this "habit" and it's not working. CIO isn't an option for us, we have tried it a couple times and DS works himself up so much that he'll puke
No - He is great to go to bed on his own
3- if DC is still in a crib, have you thought about transitions to a big kid bed? if so toddler or twin?? I really think we are going to go right to the twin bed, but everyone keeps saying that's not a good idea.
We are transitioning in soon - we have a 2 m/o. He will go right into a Queen
4- Have you even begun to think of potty training yet?? DS sill sit on the potty off and on, but i don't think he's anywhere near ready to actually be potty trained.
Not even an option yet - he couldn't care less about the potty. We have started with talking about it, but he is not ready.
DD turns 2 today!
1. Yep - it's just easier. I don't use it every time I dress her, especially because I'm starting to teach her to put her pants on, but I use it for diaper changes still.
2. Nope - haven't in a long, long time. Her bedtime routine it shower/bath, pajamas, brush teeth/hair, read 2 books, say prayers, put in crib, sing one song and go to sleep.
3. She's still in her crib, but we're planning to transition her soon. Baby #2 is due in March and will go in the nursery. We had hoped to have DD's big girl room ready for her bday, but that just didn't happen. Hopefully by Christmas. I want her to have a few months in her new room before the baby arrives. She'll be going right to a twin bed.
4. Yep - she's beeon on the potty several times and loves to read books about it. She asks to sit on the toilet sometimes, but not consistently at all. I bought training pants a few weeks ago, but haven't started full-blown potty training yet. I was going to, but then my car was totalled and there's a lot of stress in dealing with insurance, buying a new car, etc - I didn't want to add PTing stress to all that! So PTing is on hold for now.
dd turned 2 in sept.
1. Use the changing table? - No, never had one.
2. Rock to sleep? - No, I climb in her bed w/ her and read her a few books, sing a couple songs, pat her back for a couple of minutes and that's it. She does not cry. P.S. I don't think rocking your child is a bad thing whatsoever! I did it when dd was still in her crib, she never fell asleep on me, so after a few minutes, I'd put her down in her crib. Sometimes she whimpered some, but I don't believe it CIO either.
3. Transitioning to a bed? - We have a convertible crib, but I'm preg w/ #2 so we got a twin daybed for dd. She LOVES it. Not sure why some are saying twin beds aren't a good idea??
4. Potty Training? - Not really yet. She's starting to show more interest, and asking to sit on the potty and asking for a Pull-Up ILO a diaper.
1. yes, since it's still in her room I figure we may as well use it!
2. DD has never been one to enjoy being rocked to sleep. She's always been too squirmy.
3. It took two months of transitioning, but she is FINALLY sleeping well in her big girl bed for naptime AND night time!
4. She has a potty in the bathroom, and actually used it for several weeks at 17-18 months old. She had a major regression after DS was born and hasn't gone on it since. Definitely not pushing the issue right now. She doesn't seem ready. She tells us when her diaper is messy, but then runs from us when we try to change it, so apparently it doesn't bother her all that much.
My DD is 17 mo.
I don't use the changing table because she is so wiggly and came very close to falling off several times. We stopped at 16 mos.
I still hold my DD until she falls to sleep (no rocking chair). CIO also isn't an option for me - it would break my heart. I've been making a half-hearted effort at laying her down when she's drowsy, but haven't been consistent. However, I don't run to her when she makes a peep in the middle of the night. I let her whimper for a few minutes (unless she's screaming) and often she'll go back to sleep. She's almost STTN, but not quite. When she does wake up, I pick her up and sit with her on the couch until she's asleep. Probably a bad habit, but I'm a SAHM so I don't really mind.
She's still in a crib and will remain there until she makes a good effort at climbing out. Her crib breaks down into a toddler bed, so we'll use that.
Potty training is in the distant future. She has no concept of when she pees/poops. I dread people asking about that as she approaches 2.
1. Nope. On the floor. She's too long and it would be awkward.
2. Nope. She is an awesome sleeper and we have put her down awake since 5 months.
3. Still in crib since she isn't trying to get out. She will get a full bed when it is time because that is what we already have.
4. We bought a potty to get her used to seeing it. She has been asking for her diaper to be changed lately, so I'm just watching for signs she is ready. Probably at least another 6 months before she is I'm guessing.
- We do not use the changing table any more. I gave it to my brother and his wife for their daughter.
- We stopped rocking DD after she turned 1. My mom was still rocking her to sleep for a while until I told her she was the only one doing it still and then she stopped. We did try CIO and it was incredibly difficult to listen to as she cried for over 30 minutes for 2 days in a row the 3rd day she cried for about 10 minutes and we have not had any problems since then.
- DD has been in a huge bed since Aug. when we moved. Someone gave us their son's old bed that he never used when he was a preteen so it's a queen size bed for kids. DH and I could sleep in this bed if we needed to that's how big it is. She made the transition with no problems. So i don't think the size of the bed matters.
- We tried potty training in September but she is totally freaked out about using the potty. If she has to go potty and we put her on the potty she cries and won't go until her diaper is back on. The pedi told us to try again in a few months.
My DD turned 2 in April btw.DD is 29 months.
1. I haven't used the changing table in at least a year. She doesn't fit on it anyway, and most of the time she insists on dressing herself as much as possible.
2. I nurse DD at bedtime and then either DH or I lay in bed with her until she falls asleep.
3. N/A. She climbed out of the crib a couple months before she turned 2. We switched her to a twin bed at that point (my old bed actually).
4. DD is mostly potty trained if she's wearing underwear. I still put her in pull ups if we go out, and she will still have occasional accidents. She usually tells me after she's already started pooping, so I've had a lot of poopy underwear to change.
She wears a diaper/pull up at naptime and bedtime. She's always wet in the morning, but she does nurse before bed and when she wakes around 6am. I think she'll be in that diaper for quite a while. She's been using the potty pretty consistently for the last month.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
dd is 26 months
1. No changing table, she's too big and squirmy for it....we use the bed a lot.
2. We rock her while we are reading stories then put her in her bed and stay in her room while she falls asleep...usually within 15 moinutes.
3. she's in her crib and will be for a while, she likes it there and doesn't try to climb out.
4. she'll sit on the potty but hasn't gone and we haven't pushed it since we had a new baby coming and were told there was a good chance of regression.
1. NEVER used a changing table, which is probably why she refuses to lay still while I try to change her. It is a battle every single time ;P
2. She never really was into rocking, but we have a set routine at night. Milk is still part of it, but so is tooth brushing. We do group hugs and kisses and then daddy lays her down and rubs her back for a minute.
3. Yeah, I'm keeping her in a crib until college ;P OK, maybe until she's like 4. I like her to be contained, and after hurting herself a couple times climbing out, she stopped trying. Her crib converts to a toddler bed, so we'll probably do that, and then we plan to move when she is about 4, so we'll get her a new bedroom set at that point (and probably have another baby at that point)
4. She goes at her daycare/preschool pretty well, but it is a struggle to get her to go at home. She also doesn't seem to understand the "urge" to go pee. I'm in no hurry - she'll do it when she is ready! If she doesn't PT by 3 in February, I'm going hard-core on her.
1. No I don't use the changing table anymore. DD is almost potty trained and it is easier fo rme to dress her while she is tsnading up. Plus she likes to try to help.
2. We still rock her but not to sleep. She is always awake when we put her down. I do spend a little time singing and rocking her before she goes in her crib.
3. Yes. We have the big girl bed (and room) all ready. She was so excited about it as we were putting it together (painting and getting the bed sheets and all that). She has asked to sleep in there so this past weekend we tried. Saturday she napped in the bed and then would not sleep in there. Sunday she didn't even want to nap in there she wanted her crib! She sleeps in a bed at daycare for naps so we thought this would be easy. I hope she decides to move in there before #2 comes along (we have about 6.5 weeks). Oh and it is a full size bed.
4. Yes she is almost potty trained. She wears panties most of teh day (pullup for nap and bed time). She isn't the best at telling us she has to go, but if we ask she will go. And she is doing a potty dance so we know she has to go! She will only poop on the potty 50% of the time.