
The Trio is here

Went in for scheduled  C-section on Tuesday November 29 at 35 weeks 3 days  

Baby A Elizabeth Jean was born at 12:11 pm weighing 4lbs 5oz (have to check on height) she went right to the level 2 nursery because of her weight. She is doing good she is not eating much so she has a feeding tube but they did take IV out. She will have to stay in the hospital for not sure how long. 

Baby B Abigail Lynn was born at 12:12 pm weighing 5lbs 3oz 18 3/4 in long. She is level 1 nursery and doing great she will be going home with us on Friday. 

Baby C Michael Scott was born at 12:13 pm weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 1/2 in long. He had to be on a cpap machine cause was having some breathing issues. He is now breathing fine on his own but on a feeding tube also. He went to NICU for first 36 hours but is now in level 2 nursery with his sister. He will also be staying in the hospital for we are not sure. 

All 3 have full heads of black hair and are as cute as can be. Still working on getting my milk to come in but hoping it comes in soon. I am recovering well as can be expected after csection of 3 babies lol. I will try and update what is going on with them as things change. 

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