We had a scare this morning with choking. Emmeline had very thick spit-up coming out of her nose and mouth and couldn't breathe. This was not typical spit-up and had the consistency of glue or thick frosting. DH picked her up and starting vigorously patting her back and I ran to get the suction. She was turning gray around the mouth and her body went stiff. It was the scariest moment of my life. Luckily, we got her crying and breathing again after suctioning. We have an appointment with her doctor in an hour. Anyone had a similar experience? Was it reflux or something else causing it? What did you do to prevent it from happening in the future?
Re: choking episode this morning
Sounds like reflux
The milk gets mixed with the mucus and makes a nasty mess. Hope your pedi has some answers for you.
ETA - we started thickening feeds with rice.
It sounds like reflux. We were told to keep him at an angle for 30 minutes after we feed him. And we got a wedge--my son actually slept on this wedge on the floor during the night for the majority of his first year. The crib was okay, but he had a tendency to sleep on his face when he first learned to roll over. The wedge looks like a preemie king size bed--the pediatrician put in an order with an occupational therapist at the hospital--and they made the wedge for him.
We also had a Baby Einstein bouncer that we put him in after feeding.
That is so scary! I'm glad LO is ok! Andrew had a few of those, and I was always terrified. For him, it was reflux, and that mixture of mucus/milk mess was what would come out - gross!
We too used to hold upright for at least 20 - 30 minutes after feeding, and he napped in a bouncy chair for the first 6-8 months or so (loved that thing....only gave it up b/c he was too big and sitting up in it and I thought he would topple it over forward!)
Definitely sounds like reflux. DS had this all of the time when he was little, and its very scary. We always held him up 30 min after eating and he sleeps with a wedge under his crib mattress. We also had a bulb syringe nearby at all times. I also suggest the fisher price rock and play sleeper. This is the best baby item that we have. We still put him in it today if we have to put him down right after eating. He is starting to grow out of it now