Babies: 6 - 9 Months

What age do you stop using sleep sack?

What is the recommended age and what age will you personally stop using it? Thx!
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Re: What age do you stop using sleep sack?

  • I think the recommendation is 12 months before they use a blanket although don't quote me on that.  I have a very active sleeper so I can definitely see him getting tangled up in blankets.  I won't worry so much about it in the summer months (he didn't use a sleep sack this summer).  By next fall he'll be 16 months, I'll reassess at that point.  
  • I'm not sure what's recommended. I stopped using it with both kids once they could roll. Neither one seemed to care for it after that point so I just quit using it.
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  • Ill probably stop at 12 months.  It will be summer then so I will see how I feel about blankets in the fall.
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  • you kind of have to stop once they can pull to standing (9-11 months)because they will trip and fall all the time if their legs are restricted. This is my third baby and I found this out the first time around after i bought all these sleep sacks in bigger sizes. Also, I have a 5 year old and the idea of her in a sleep sack is really funny:)
  • imagesmiles1123:
    you kind of have to stop once they can pull to standing (9-11 months)because they will trip and fall all the time if their legs are restricted. This is my third baby and I found this out the first time around after i bought all these sleep sacks in bigger sizes. Also, I have a 5 year old and the idea of her in a sleep sack is really funny:)

    They make sleep sacs with little feet holes now because of that, weird but true.

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  • I still put DS in a sleepsack and he sleeps on his stomach. There's just no way that he would be warm enough in just his PJs
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  • We're still using one and he rolls all over the crib in it. We'll reassess when he hits 1 year.
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  • I have to say that my LO loves her sleep sack and dislikes blankets (which I will sometimes put over her during short naps in the PNP, under my supervision).

    Honestly, though, at this point, I wouldn't worry about her suffocating. She can roll and squirm enough that if her body weren't getting air, she would move -- instinctively. 

    Still, I will probably wait until she is a year old to stop using one. Actually, she will be a year at the very end of March, at which point she probably won't need a blanket much at all, so it's perfect timing. By the time fall rolls around, I won't have concerns about a blanket -- maybe I'll actually be able to get some use out of that quilt that came with her bedding set... :)

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  • I have two that still fit and use, but from here on out, I will only buy fleece sleepers. DD seems to have no preference.
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  • imagesmiles1123:
    you kind of have to stop once they can pull to standing (9-11 months)because they will trip and fall all the time if their legs are restricted. This is my third baby and I found this out the first time around after i bought all these sleep sacks in bigger sizes. Also, I have a 5 year old and the idea of her in a sleep sack is really funny:)

    I disagree. Both my kids had/have no problem standing in a sleepsack. We used one for ds until he was probably 18 months, and dd will use one til probably the same. 

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