Any advice from moms of older babies on how to break the swaddle? DD sleeps great swaddled, she will sometimes sleep 10-11 hours without waking, or maybe only waking once or twice to put her paci back in her mouth. But, she's rolled over swaddled a couple times so we're trying to break her of it...she has great head control (her head was to the side), and we use a Halo sleepsack swaddle so she still can move her legs, and she's not able to break out of the swaddle part so all of these things have helped me not to totally freak when she has rolled over. She can only roll back to belly, she can't roll belly to back swaddled or not. But she does.not.sleep. hardly at all when she is not swaddled. I've tried swaddling one arm out, swaddled both arms out, Halo sleep sacks (not the swaddle kinds) and she is up every 5 minutes crying for her paci. I am exhausted from trying to break her of it and normally halfway through the night I cave and swaddle her (and she hasn't rolled over) and she'll fall right asleep. I keep reading that we need to stop swaddling cold turkey once she rolls over once so that's freaking me out, but then I also hear about babies being swaddled til they are 10 months old so I'm sure they're rolling over by then. I bought the baby merlin magic sleepsuit ( out of sheer desperation last night and that should come in a couple of days, it was rec on the 3-6 month board but a couple of moms, but I doubt it works b/c her hands are still free to knock the paci out of her mouth which is her biggest problem.
Any advice?!
eta: we do use a white noise machine which really helps, we have an angelcare monitor and fan on, the room temp is probably about 72 but probably a bit cooler w/ the fan
Re: I've created a swaddled addict
I have no advice but I'm curious to hear what other have to say. Lucy will STTN swaddled, but unswaddled it's a total crap shoot. Fortunately she's not rolling over at all so we don't have that to worry about.
Have you tried something like a wubanub that is a little heavier and will help keep her paci in place?
I've thought about it, but was a little uneasy with the sleeping with a semi-stuffed animal toy so close to her mouth/nose...idk...
I don't remember exactly how we weaned DD off the swaddle, but she was definitely in it until the 5 month mark? Even though at that point she could pull up if unswaddled. i actually went out and bought bigger swaddle-sleepers.
Also FWIW she STTN @ 6 weeks swaddled- 99% of the time. Then when unswaddled around 5.5 months she started waking once a night- just to nurse, so NBD- could also have been related to teething.
I say, go cold turkey on swaddling and just push through. I know it sucks. GL!!
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
Pretty much what Sarah said. We stopped swaddling DD when she was 6 months old, and OMG I thought for sure the world was going to end, because I wasn't getting enough sleep, but after about a week of not swaddling her, she sleep better, not great, but better. Just wait until you give up the paci, that was the hardest, and best days all wrapped into one. My child would cry when the paci fell out and would never self sooth, without that thing in her mouth.
We just stopped swaddling last week while I was at home for the holiday. Anderson loved the swaddle and slept great but he's consistently rolling over so it became a safety issue. I started with leaving one arm out at naps for 2 days then I moved to both arms out for a day of naps then no swaddle at all for naps and nighttime. It was really difficult for 2 nights but for the last 2 nights he's been sleeping great.
You should probably prepare yourself for little to no sleep for a few days while she gets used to sleeping without it.
If she is able to lift her head then I would not worry too much. If she rolls over and can't breath she WILL lift her head and cry if she can lift it. And that will wake you.
As far as breaking her of the swaddling... have you tried loosen the swaddle a little a week at a time? Just wrap it less tight, add a new velcro if needed (they just peel and stick) so you can swaddle looser without it opening all the way. Until it's so loose that she can't even tell if she is swaddled or not. Just do it slowly