It's not that painful. Why would you need an epidural before inserting it? I've never heard that before. I had it in for probably 3-4 hours. It helped me dilate from 3cm to about 5cm. I was hoping it would send me into active labor, but it did not. It's definitely worth trying though.
They tried it on me but I wasn't dilated enough for it so they went straight to pit. for me. My MW tried to insert it twice. It didn't feel great, but was surviveable. I didn't get an epi until I was well into labor and about 7 cm dilated so I could nap before the pushing. I have never heard of requiring an epi before a foley. Getting the epi too early in labor often ends in c/s, so I'd avoid it if you have the choice.
I had a foley induction. Foley fell out after about 6 hours. I went from a fingertip to 5 cm in that time. It definitely kick started some painful contractions, but I didn't get an epi until I was 6 cm. I was offered and accepted some stadol not long before the foley fell out. They obviously can't check you before the bulb falls out and the hope is to get you to 3cm before it falls out. I knew I didn't want an early epi so it never even crossed my mind to get one before the foley fell out.
I was induced with a foley, then pit. They put in the foley in the evening, and it stayed in all night, then they tugged on it to come out the next morning (the worst part). Did not require an epi in the least...can't imagine why anyone would recommend it.
I think I have a low pain tolerance because I thought it really hurt, along with the internal checks my dr was doing. It did its job though, and despite my doctor's doubts, I was ready to push after about 12 hours. Unfortunately I ended up with a cs anyway, but that's another story.
Re: Foley Bulb?
They tried it on me but I wasn't dilated enough for it so they went straight to pit. for me. My MW tried to insert it twice. It didn't feel great, but was surviveable. I didn't get an epi until I was well into labor and about 7 cm dilated so I could nap before the pushing. I have never heard of requiring an epi before a foley. Getting the epi too early in labor often ends in c/s, so I'd avoid it if you have the choice.