Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Seperation/Stranger Anxiety...

I get that it's totally normal, and it's a stage we will get through like everything else.  But, does anyone else have people who are getting upset that their LO wants nothing to do with them right now and only wants certain people? 

Gia has actually cried around certain people and will not move in their direction, she will scoot or side step around her table away from them.  And a select few people have visibly gotten upset...what else can you do besides explain it's a stage???


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Re: Seperation/Stranger Anxiety...

  • I don't think there is anything else you can do. It is just a stage and those who are offended will have to get over it.
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  • I think all you can do is explain it is a stage and it is not recommended to force the baby when she is having anxiety. My son is going through this and when he gets upset only wants me. My FIL seems upset by it and keeps making comments about whether DS is still attached to mommy. I think he was mad that at a family party, I snatched DS back when he started crying and reaching for me. I am sorry, but I do not care who is holding him, if he cries for me, I am picking him up.
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  • Who would get upset about that?  Everyone I know who's had a baby just laughs it off!
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  • My dad doesn't get angry but I can tell it hurts his feelings that DS cries when he picks him up. I just say things like "aww that's Grandpa you know him" and take DS back. I just tell my dad he just has to get use to him. (They live a couple hours away and he doesn't see them much). It's even harder because DS LOVES my husbands father. It's not fun at all. :(
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