We have a nanny share and we love the nanny- she is in her late 50's, has her own grown children, and has been a nanny for 20 years. She really understands babies and is wonderful with DS, who is nearly 5 months. The share situation is also great for us.
However, I have some issues sometimes with the nanny basically telling me what to do or taking the lead on things with DS, and it bothers me even though it isn't anything major and it isn't harmful to DS. For example, at our 4 month appt., the ped said we could start to introduce solid foods. So for 2 weeks we started giving him a few spoonfuls at dinner time before his bottle. Then the nanny said that DS was taking in so much formula every day that he should have some solids at lunch. That was fine, but this morning she asked me if he "ate breakfast" and when I said no he just had a bottle, she said (nicely but still) "Ok, let's get you some breakfast then, otherwise you're going to want 5 bottles today." I was kind of caught off guard because I thiought, shouldn;t you be ASKING me how I want to proceed with solids, etc.? She already seemed judgmental when I said we weren't using rice ceral, just fruits and vegetables, and I just feel like I'm being treated like I don't know anything on certain issues.
Granted, I have never said anything to her- I am really, really bad at standing up for myself, plus I know she means well and she is wonderful with DS so I don't want to jeopardize our relationship. However, this really annoys me. Also, I was under the impression that you should be giving too many solids too soon since babies need to nutrients in formula/breast milk so they still need a lot of it.
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Re: issues with nanny taking over...
I think you need to stand up for yourself instead of waiting for her to ask what you want. It sounds like she's got ideas about how to do things and is forceful enough that that's what she's going to do unless you say something. Just present it as, "this is what we'd like to do." There's nothing wrong with doing it your way, so don't be shy about it.
You might feel more confident if you did some research or talked to your pedi more about how to proceed with solids. There seem to be a lot of conflicting ideas out there about when to introduce certain foods, how much, etc. I researched a lot with DS, but we're just winging it with DD.
Babies should still get most of their nutrition from breast milk and formula, but there's also nothing wrong with giving more than a few spoonfuls at a time or doing it at breakfast if that's what you want. We started the kids on solids at home but pretty quickly moved to having daycare give them breakfast and then lunch there because it was easier and they seemed more receptive to solids earlier in the day.
she sounds kinda old school (surprise!)
I think you need to stand firm (but nicely) and say "Oh, well, the doctor says ____ so I don't think LO is ready for whatever."
I would use the doctor as the authority, so you're not really arguing with her or telling her her ideas are out of date or wrong (which they are). This is what I do w/ my mom and it seems to work pretty well
This 100%.....I do the same with my mom & my DH who swears he knows it all.
Until 1yo, food isn't for sustenance, it's for fun/practice. Esp at 4 months old, they should be getting all their nutritional value from BM or formula. We didn't even start solids until 6 months, and our pedi told us not to waste our time with any of the cereals because they really have no nutritional value, so we started with avocado and then really only gave him a little container 1-2 times a day.
Like PP said, go with the "this is what the pedi said" and if you need to find a few articles and print them out, things have changed since her kids were babies, maybe she just needs to see that for herself.
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I too am in a 'Grandparent that I Pay' type childcare situation. They have three grown children two grandchildren and have been taking kids into their home for 20 years. To say it bluntly compared to them I DON"T know $hit about raising kids.
I hate to say it; but a sage bit of advice I got from another working mom was if I trust them, and DS is happy, then let the DCP lead. It will make their lives and DS's life much easier.
Now DH & MIL? That's a different story.....