We are going to buy a rocker/glider or whatever for MIL's house so we can use it to put A to sleep when we are there. Yes, its a gift for us. MIL is fine with that. I don't want to spend a ton of money on it. I am thinking around $200. A glider with an ottoman would be great (that's what MIL said she wanted).
I saw this at Costco, https://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11599608&whse=BC&topnav=&cat=48054&hierPath=48054*&lang=en-US. Does anyone have any other options?
Re: Bumpcation over. And I need a glider/recliner rec.
Wal-Mart has quite a few options. Not sure about their quality but they are under your budget amount.
Sure, sure. You come back when you need something.
What about OUR needs, LL?
Baby, don't do me like that. You know you're the one for me.
You just love me for my ability to make Sherlock Holmes's house out of balsa wood.
Yay!! I've missed you....when I wasn't harassing you on FB.
Didn't mlf get a really pretty one from Wally World? Go with that one