Baby Names

Need help with boy names

There a few names I like but none I love enough to make it final. I decided that the mn will be Christopher as it is my DHs mn. Here is a list of names I like, please give opinions and suggestionsLiamEthanOwenGavinChaseCalebJacobMason

Re: Need help with boy names

  • I like all of your names but I really love Gavin Christopher.

    Here are a few other names you might like:

    Aaron Christopher
    Colton Christopher
    Evan Christopher
    Garrett Christopher
    Grant Christopher
    Ian Christopher
    Keegan Christopher
    Nolan Christopher
    Reed Christopher
    Ryan Christopher
    Tate Christopher

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  • imageampern22:
    There a few names I like but none I love enough to make it final. I decided that the mn will be Christopher as it is my DHs mn. Here is a list of names I like, please give opinions and suggestions









    Love these! DS would have been Liam but DH is William and he didn't want to make DS a Junior. I really like Mason and I don't think you can go wrong with Owen or Jacob.

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  • I really like Mason Christopher!!
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  • You have a great list going, all of your names have been on my list at one point. Two of which I have chosen as final choices. Lets see if I can name off some more that you might like...



    Landon, Landen










  • I really like all of your names.  There isn't anything wrong with any of them, but they are all a bit popular for my taste.  DS #2 was almost Owen.   Chase is the least common so probably my favorite for that reason.  

    I like PP suggestion of Reed Christopher...that is my DS's exact name!   

  • I like your names too, (especially Chase) but I also like PP suggestion of Reed Christopher

    Other names that *I* think sound nice are:

    Logan Christopher

    Duncan Christopher

    Graham Christopher

    Nolan Christopher


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