What should I get DD for Christmas?
My parents are giving her a tricycle and Santa is brining a trampoline. She will get some books and some clothes that she needs anyway so I might as well wrap and put under the tree.
I wanted to get her a doll because she loves caring for the ones at daycare but K has vetoed that. So....any ideas for a 20 month old? I just want something she can play with whenever she wants since the trike won't get use for a few months and the trampoline won't be a everyday thing.
Re: Christmas gift ideas for DD
Is she into art at all? H is on an art kick - crayons, coloring books, construction paper and STICKERS!
Do you have room in the house for the Little Tikes basketball hoop? One of my sets of parents is getting H that. He'll use in the basement tunnel spring.
My other set of parents is getting him a table and chairs.
sahm ~ toddler breastfeeder ~ cloth diaperer ~ baby wearer
We are getting Eli a play kitchen too (he ADORES them) and some books for sure. I am also thinking about soap crayons for the bath and a ball-pit. My BIL is getting both kids a wagon, which I think will be a big hit with Eli.
At our daycare, there is a "lock" wall--basically it is a piece of wood with several different locks, switches, dials, etc, attached that the kids can use to practice using a key or a deadbolt or a light switch. It is really popular (the room is 16-33 months) and I was thinking about suggesting that to my parents as a possibility. I am guessing a trip to the hardware store and a couple of hours with a drill would do it.
- Little people playhouse (Daisy's getting a farm one that I"m sure RB will love to play with as well)
- ditto MrsF's art idea, an easel + supplies
- cars/firetruck/construction vehicles
- playdough (there are a million kits/toys to go along with)
Blogs: Our Growing Family - CT Working Moms

I second the Little People toys
Play food
Blocks (the kind you can build castles/houses with, not the ABC blocks)
Two Mommies Healing Hearts
Thanks for the great responses!
Yes, a table/chair set is on my wishlist for her but I'm just not sure where in our house it will go. I want to buy a wood one but depending on location the color/type of wood I would want would vary.
And I've thought a lot about art supplies too. She paints a lot at home and would probably enjoy that.
I had bought her a play kitchen but I returned it because we're trying to get rid of some of the larger toys in the house. The plan is to possibly redo part of the basement to make it her play area so until that happens I'm trying not to get 'bigger' items.