Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Benadryl? Safe?

Ever since we got back from Texas Cannon's allergies have been out of control. Today he is sneezing and itching his eyes, so I called the Pedi and his nurse said
"No benadryl" our Pedi is pretty anti meds and although I know he knows what he is talking about I know other mothers have given this to their LO's. I called my sister in law and she has given her DD benadryl in the past. So just a little confused why some pedi's say ok and others do not.

Have you ever giving your LO benadryl?  If so how much?

Re: Benadryl? Safe?

  • I have given DD benadryl following Dr's orders for allergies. Her dose is 3/4 Tsp for her weight (she's 20+ pounds as of her 9 month check up).
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  • My dr prescribed benadryl to ds, but before I gave it to him I read up on how it is not considered safe. I know alot of mothers use it, but the pharmacist wouldnt even tell me a dosage, because its not reccommended. I decided to play it safe
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  • Yes, Benadryl is safe. The reason pharmacists can't give a recommended dosage is because the American Academy of Pediatrics does not give a listing and it is not marketed for children under 2. All infant and todder and older child medication is based purely on weight, My son is 1 but weighs 24.5 do I use infants medication NO...I use childrens because at this age everything is dosed by weight. As a nurse there are several websites I have access too that give dosing information. The dose recommended for my son at 24 lbs is 1tsp. I think that is a lot and always give 2.5-3ml. I can always give I always err on the side of caution. It will help! Good luck!


  • DS had a rash all over his body and the on-call nurse had me give him 1/2 tsp (2.5mL) of children's benadryl.  He weighs 24lbs.

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  • I have to give Hen benadryl for his motion sickness when we go for long car rides. We give him up to 3ml of it and have never had issues with it. Our pedi prescribed it when he was 2 months old.
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  • Yep, pedi gave the OK for us, 1 tsp as needed (he's almost 24 lbs)

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  • The second generation antihistamines are safer because they don't cross the blood-brain barrier.  I believe that Allegra is considered safe for children as young as 6 months.  I would try that first.  You could call your pedi for the dosage.
  • The only time the pedi has given us an ok to use benadryl was when Addison was on an antibiotic that my husband is very allergic to. They told me to only give it to her if she had an allergic reaction and even then to use 1/2 tsp. Right now Addison is having allergy issues (runny nose and watery eyes) they told me to use children's zyrtec and to give 1/2 tsp at bedtime. 
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  • My guys have allergies. Our pedi prescribed zyrtec.
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