MIL gave DD her Elf on the Shelf yesterday who she promptly said was a girl and named Rainbow. Anywho, I didn't realize the elf is not that poseable. Instead of wire underneath the arms and legs, it is cardboard! Argh! Makes it more difficult to achieve some of the poses I was thinking of. Anyone attempted to modify their EoTS to be more poseable? TIA!
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Re: Elf on the Shelf question
Genius! I'll have to try that. Yeah and I think it's a bit creepy too but DD thinks it is the best thing ever and LOVES it. Go figure. Of course, I didn't emphasize the tattling part, more the disappearing and reappearing, so more fun that way.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO