Pre-School and Daycare

Elf on the Shelf question

MIL gave DD her Elf on the Shelf yesterday who she promptly said was a girl and named Rainbow.  Anywho, I didn't realize the elf is not that poseable.  Instead of wire underneath the arms and legs, it is cardboard!  Argh!  Makes it more difficult to achieve some of the poses I was thinking of.  Anyone attempted to modify their EoTS to be more poseable?  TIA!

DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO

Re: Elf on the Shelf question

  • My MIL has the EONTS at her house (although I find it to be creepy and manipulative and refuse to let her use it as a "threat" for bad behavior).  She will sometimes use floral wire to tie his arms around something to make him hang on.  Works pretty well.
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  • imageMadringal:
    My MIL has the EONTS at her house (although I find it to be creepy and manipulative and refuse to let her use it as a "threat" for bad behavior).  She will sometimes use floral wire to tie his arms around something to make him hang on.  Works pretty well.

    Genius!  I'll have to try that.  Yeah and I think it's a bit creepy too but DD thinks it is the best thing ever and LOVES it.  Go figure.  Of course, I didn't emphasize the tattling part, more the disappearing and reappearing, so more fun that way.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

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  • I have it and he sits up pretty well against something so that is what I do.  I don't really use it for bad behavior issues....I mean if I am at my wits end I used the "santa" catch anyway...."Santa only comes to good boys and girls, etc."  Whether it's right or wrong, whatever, my mom said it all the time and I hear so many do the same.  It won't ruin them.  He is a little creepy looking though!  I also use it for good behavior.  I tell them good job, etc. and the elf is going to make sure Santa hears all the good things you have done and said today......
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