Well, I must have cursed myself. I always said I wouldn't even think about having number 2 until my first was out of diapers...older...blah blah. HA!
My DD just turned 1 (on the 22nd of Nov) and I am 11 weeks and one day with my second. My d@mn birth control was recalled.....yay!
Not a big deal---JUST IN SHOCK! I thought there was no way I was preg! I have known since about 6 weeks. Just late to the introductions. Have been a lurker. I am getting really excited!!
I am due June 18th --DH and I are both teachers so this is great timing. I had a c/s with my first because she was breech. I have a heart shaped ute that didn't allow her to move. I was also on bed rest for two weeks because DD tried to make an appearance at 34 weeks. Water broke at 36 weeks.
My OB wants me to do progesterone shots or cream around 18 weeks. Anyone on/done these? Suggestions? I have to decide between shots or the cream. the doctors office is about 20 mins away from my work and house so it isn't that easy for me so I am leaning toward the cream. Messy?
Also, they want me to decide about a vbac or c/s--I have been on the vbac page--but just wondering if anyone here has an opinion.
Thanks!! Looking forward to your advice!!
Re: HI ladies! intro