I am planning a homebirth but because of his positional uncertainty (breech, vertex, transverse, vertex all since 37 weeks), I am being offered an induction with likeliness to c/s.
I believe i did! My baby was all over the place during my pregnancy. Ultimately, during labor she was OP and i had AWFUL back labor, everything you've heard about back labor is true and then some. However, if you have your heart set on a homebirth and you have a good midwife that you trust, then perhaps you should still give it a go. You can find my story here: https://blog.ican-online.org/2011/11/03/carmens-cbac-story/ but keep in mind that each labor is so different. Your baby can turn and change up unto the last second. You just never really know what your body and baby are going to do until you're there. Good luck!
Re: Did anyone have a c/s because of an unstable lie?
I believe i did! My baby was all over the place during my pregnancy. Ultimately, during labor she was OP and i had AWFUL back labor, everything you've heard about back labor is true and then some. However, if you have your heart set on a homebirth and you have a good midwife that you trust, then perhaps you should still give it a go. You can find my story here: https://blog.ican-online.org/2011/11/03/carmens-cbac-story/ but keep in mind that each labor is so different. Your baby can turn and change up unto the last second. You just never really know what your body and baby are going to do until you're there. Good luck!