
I think I am going to attempt to make marshmallows today

It's kinda a blah day today. I think this might be a nice project for me and DD.

I guess I better get the laundry done first though. 

Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: I think I am going to attempt to make marshmallows today

  • How do you make marshmallows?  
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  • dunno exactly - I have a pinterest recipe I need to look over ;)
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • DS and I made them last year using Alton Browns recipe- they were yummy
  • oh, good call
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I made them last year.  I added a drop or two of mint extract and they were soooo good.  Don't add more than 2 drops or they will be overpowering.  I gave all of our neighbors minty marshmallows and a tin of cocoa mix and they loved it.
  • image-auntie-:

    Best not to make these in rainy weather. They get kind of tough.



    I'm not sure why this makes a difference.  The humidity sensor on our furnace keeps our house at the same humidity level whether it's raining or not outside.

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