So, I had my HSG yesterday and it was a success. Minimal cramping (I love Shady Grove!) except with the dye insertion. My tubes and uterus are clean, unblocked and fabulous!
I finally got DH SA results out of the nurse though. Not good news. His total count was 15mil/ml with a motility of 30% and a morphology of 1.something. Not at all good. We can't afford IVF, which is where the RE wanted to go if the SA results are low.
I guess the psychic (that seems to be able to see everything...HA!) was wrong and we won't have the one child she saw me getting pregnant with before January. It's time to come to terms with the inevitable. Thanks for letting me vent! Off to work now.
Re: A successful HSG
We have a follow up to talk options on the 12th. They wanted to get all the tests back before we talked anything.
I am not getting my hopes up for anything. Pretty much drained with it right now with everything going on in his family (cancer and stuff). I am starting to feel like if it's not meant to be that we have children then it's not meant to be. I just need to get over myself I guess.