Hi everyone, I'm at 37 weeks and my dr. thinks baby looks too big for a normal vaginal delivery. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week to check for the baby's size. My dr has said that if baby is anything over 4000 grams we're going to schedule a c-section. I'm really bummed about this and actually feel a little inadequate to not be able to deliver normally. Now my question is, is it possible to have a normal vaginal delivery with a second pregnancy after the first being a c-section? I've heard that once you have a c-section any other babies would have to also be delivered by c-section. Thanks
Re: vaginal births after c-section?
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't agree to a size u/s at 37 weeks. The farther along you are, the more amniotic fluid you have, and therefore the more likely the estimates are going to be way off. And, despite what the esitmate says, you do NOT have to agree to a c/s if you don't want to.
Plus, either your pelvis can handle an 11lb baby or it can't, and you won't know that until you start pushing. My friend had a 8lb baby get stuck, and my DH's aunt vaginally delivered 4 kids that were 10lbs or more. You just can't be sure until you're there.
And, no, you do not have to automatically have a RCS if you don't want to either. Ditto to PP checking out the VBAC site. Also, ICAN (international cesarean awareness network) has lots of information on c-sections, how to prevent them, and how to have a "family centered" c-section if it is what you end up needing.
it is absolutly no fault of your own if the Dr wants to Schedule CS. "possible size of baby" is not a legit medical reason to insist on CS. I am horrible at conversions, so 4000 grams is what?
You have every right to ask the Dr to schedule a CS for after your due date rather than before. Size U/S are notorious for being wrong and many hospitals are starting to see that.
We are going for VBAC this time around. Dr only concern was avoiding induction because some induction methods can put strain on the scar, even rupturing it. So its kind of all or nothing for us. no induction, no Pit. no Epi... and she will wait for 1 week after due date, thats it.
I had a c/s with my first and my OB told me that my pelvis was too small to have a vaginal birth. I had a VBAC with my second and he was even bigger than my c/s baby. So I'm glad I didn't listen to that first doctor.
In your situation I would not schedule a c/s. The only way to know if the baby will fit is to give it a try.
Like a PP said - don't trust the u/s at 37 wks for sizing of the baby. With my second pregnancy, I was "looking" bigger than doc expected at my 35 wk visit, so she scheduled an u/s to check the size of the baby - at 35 w 5 days he was estimated to be weighing 5lbs 3 oz...well, I ended up having to be induced at 37 wks due to preeclampsia...DS was born weighing 7 lbs 10 oz. I didn't gain any weight in that week, and supposedly babies gain .5- 1 oz every day or every other day (??)..so i HIGHLY doubt he gained 2 lbs in a week. And even my doc said she didn't really trust the u/s for sizing babies, and that mother's instinct is usually more on pt - (i was guessing 8lbs+).
And yes, you can attempt a VBAC - depending on how the initial csec goes and where the incision is made and all that. I had a vaginal delivery with my first, an emergency csec with my second, and was given the clear to attempt a vbac for any future pregnancies (doc made the incision nice and low).
GL regardless of the outcome. And congrats on your baby! =]