Since technology seems to be one of the must have Christmas gifts of the session, I was curious if anyone here has purchased either an Innotab, LeapPad, Ipod or some form of a tablet for their child this Christmas. What made you decide on your choice?
The choices are so overwhelming!
Re: Innotab vs LeapPad vs Ipod vs Tablet
I chose the Innotab over the Leappad partly because it was cheaper and easier to come by. The apps allegedly run a little cheaper, and I wanted the mp3 player and video viewing features as well.
I didn't even consider an iPod (is iTouch just an iPod Touch?? I'm not in the loop) because DS just turned 3 and isn't necessarily gentle with things, so I wasn't about to get anything that wasn't specifically made to withstand abuse at the hands of a child. Otherwise, I agree that would probably be smarter in the long run. As I type, he is sitting on my sister's lap playing an alphabet game on her iPhone.
The initial cost of a leappad + the somewhat high price for their games is what made me consider other options like an ipod. I do agree with the other poster that the idea of giving my 4 year old an ipod is a bit strange in my mind... But I figure if I give him a refurbished one, it equals out to be the price of a leappad.
Have you found that ipods offer educational apps? Are there any that you recommend?
Ds is currently obsessed with SpellingMagic. He also likes Cut The Rope (it's a game but I think it works on spatial reasoning), Disney apps (some are puzzles, some look and find, some matching), Dr Suess books. Google iPhone apps kids or educational apps kids and you'll get a ton of lists.
Here is a link I had saved (not clicky because I'm posting from my iPad):
I was looking into all the kids technology and was totally turned off by the original cost to purchase the device, the cost of games ($10-$20+ each), and they seemed pretty labor intensive (having to program using your computer, losing their memory every time you turn them off, etc.).
DH just got me an iPad last month and DS had TONS of great (free!) apps that he loves. The few apps I have bought are $5 or less. So, if you're considering an iPod Touch or something similar, I'd say that would be the way to go and they won't outgrow it nearly as quickly. Plus, the apps load to my iPhone and the iPad, so we can play them when were out and about and just have my phone with us.
I think the LeapPad seems really cool, but the games for it are pretty expensive. Also, my DS is doing fine with the free games off the disney jr or sesame street websites for now. We limit his screen time (computer/tv) daily so giving him a LeapPad just seems silly. Our pedi is actually recommending against the technology gifts like this for a 3 year old anyhow.
I think they can be a good learning tool, but are often overused. We'll be buying toys to stimulate creativity and independent play and active outdoor play. The technology gifts don't seem to fit that in my opinion.
So I know that doesn't really answer your question, but just think twice before you jump into the technology gifts. Preschoolers are still developing so much and need the more active playtime right now more than to sit still and play games, etc. on a LeapPad/Ipod/Tablet.
We got DS the Innotab for Christmas. Our bestfriends are getting their daughter the Leap-Pad. We went back and forth on both and decided on the Innotab because it is cheaper and came with the case. We weren't too worried about the game prices because we bought one for Christmas and one for Ds's birthday and then told family members about our purchase. So, he will prob accumulate a few more games that way.
I had never thought of the IPOD, but to be honest with you, DS is VERY rough for with a lot of his toys, and the Innotab has a nice rubber frame around it that will hopefully help with that. I just don't think he is ready for anything more fragile than that. He has played on our phones and our IPODS, and he does fine with them, when we are right there with him. So, I am not comfortable yet getting him the IPOD...maybe next year for Christmas or birthday.
I totally understand your point of view. My 4 1/2 year old really isn't a techie kid. He doesn't play video games, isn't super interested in computer games and his experience with my smart phone was limited to a few tries at Angry Birds. He has a Mobigo, but he only pulls it out for trips to restaurants or when we are traveling by car or plane. So when I say I'm considering a gift such as a ipod or leappad, it's not a toy that replace his toys that promote creativity or a toy that he would be using everyday. Basically it would be something to help him pass the time when we are traveling 12hrs by plane for our vacation next year.
Thanks for sharing your opinion though. It's something every parent needs to consider.
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