I'm so annoyed with work right now and I need to vent, though I realize this will sound silly to some of you.
My job involves some travel, though generally only a half dozen times a year, and mostly day trips. We always get plenty of notice (at least a month), so my coworker and I easily divide things up that require travel or staying late. We both have kids, and she's divorced (so extra juggling required), so the notice is needed.
We just had a meeting today to discuss some events in the next few weeks. We discussed my trip to DC on Wednesday, no surprises there. Then my boss springs on us, "oh yeah, someone should attend the next DC event too." Aka the event a week from today, requiring an overnight stay. The event we've known about for ages, but with no indication given that anyone "extra" would be needed other then the actual people planning it. Grrr....
My coworker has a doctor appointment for that day. I've only ever done one overnight away from Gwen, and never on a work night. She still nurses before bed (which is easy enough to replace with a bottle), and in the morning... which she's desperately attached too. It would be really hard for Trav, and I have the feeling it will mean a 5am (best case, or 4am is also quite likely) wake up call because not sure a bottle of pumped milk would get her back down at that point, at least not without a fight. It would also mean dragging the big breast pump down to DC, and figuring out where to store my breast milk.
My coworker and I asked an intern if he would be willing/able to do it, and I'm praying he says yes. I know I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but I'm not ready to be away from her for work. And I think my level 11 amount of annoyance at the lack of notice is just making it exponentially worse.
Thanks for listening...
Re: ugh... work vent
Interns have to say yes. And what intern wouldn't want to go to DC for a night paid for by the company?
fingers crossed it works out!