Baby Names

Chardonnay Hooker

I saw this little gem on the Best Week Ever blog.  Real name- she was being interviewed on the news about her father's car accident.  Klassy!

Me: 38  DH:36
lap for endo 12/2010  uterus didelphys confirmed in hysteroscopy 
dd born at 34 weeks 2/29/12  short NICU stay
BFP somewhere around 2/14/13  d&c april @ 12 wks   partial molar diagnosed after d&c
HCG monitoring for approx 11 months
TTC  #2 

Re: Chardonnay Hooker

  • I saw this family on the news a few days ago and died laughing!

    In her very minor defense, I think Hooker might be her married name. 

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  • I just saw a news story with a boy named Chauntavious.  Good grief.
    I actually feel the same way about this name as I do with any name that is related to an expensive automobile or any names like Diamond, Ruby, Crystal or any other name that can be mistaken for a stripper name. 
    All BAD names.  
  • My husband and I went on a wine tour a few years back and at one of the wineries, the owner introduced his daughter as Chardonnay. Now I wonder if that's the same girl!
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  • imageCarolynDouglas2012:
    I actually feel the same way about this name as I do with any name that is related to an expensive automobile or any names like Diamond, Ruby, Crystal or any other name that can be mistaken for a stripper name. 
    All BAD names.  

    I disagree. Ruby and Jade do not sound like stripper names to me at all.
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