Potty Training

How to Handle the Accidents Without Disheartening Him?

DS is trying the potty, and he's doing great. However he is pulling down his trainers when I'm not looking sometimes and going on the floor. I don't want to dishearten him since he is doing so well, but how do you go about making sure they understand that going on the floor or on the bed is unacceptable?

Re: How to Handle the Accidents Without Disheartening Him?

  • I was somewhat indifferent when she did this, I didn't yell or shame her I just simply said "Oh pee goes in the potty, lets clean it up" I would have her help me clean it. When she first ws learning I watched the clock and would remind her to use the toilet, you may just have to watch him close for a few days until he catches on.

    I also complemented her toilet efforts if she went on the toilet no problem I would sy "Yes, you peed in the potty, thank you!"

    hope this helps 


    Little Rose is 2 1/2.
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