Hi all! Generally I set my alarm for 7 am every day except a couple days a week when I have to be up at 6:20 am. So is 40 minutes difference going to make a huge difference? This cycle I started listing the times of day and I noticed I got an empty circle today (my 1st early temp of this cycle).
I can't get up at 6:20 every day if I don't have to (I am NOT a morning person) and I am afraid of setting it for 6:20 and then trusting that I will wake up on time if I go back to sleep. So I think I have to stick with the 40 minute difference..just wondering if it will mess up my chart.
Re: How important is it to take your temp at the EXACT same time every morning?
This might seem dumb, but it works for me and might work for you if you go to bed early enough.
I set my alarm for 4am every day (even weekends) to temp. I'm never not in bed by midnight, and 99% of the time am in bed by 10pm, so it works for me. And that way I set a second alarm for 6am during the week and whatever time I need to get up on weekends, so I don't have to GET UP get up at 4am. It literally takes 30 seconds (I have the therm right there and the app on my phone to enter it) and then I'm back asleep.
Missing our little turkey.
Estimated Due Date 11/13/12 | Natural Miscarriage 4/17/12
I wake up with DS and not an actual alarm and I put in whatever time it is he gets me up. It's almost always between 645 and 715 so I get solid circles for testing with that half hour and empty circles if I wake up later.
So maybe 630 or 645 as your default time - like set your alarm for 645 on days when you have to be up at 7?
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I'm the same way, and I totally agree with Brooklynesque -- you should be able to see a clear pattern with a 40 minute variation.
Oh good! Thanks all for keeping me informed. I think I will ignore the empty circles and if my chart gets out of hand I will go in and delete all the times.
Like I said I am not a morning person so I hate hearing that alarm but I have it set for 7 (even on weekends--blah) unless I have to do that 6:20 thing. And that is only 2 times a week at most.. I thought about having 2 alarms but honestly I am kind of OCD about the 1 I have! I check it like 20 times while I am getting ready for bed. I think having 2 to worry about just might push me over the edge into insanity. Good luck to all this month!