Hey BGG - word to the wise Grovia's FAILED miserably for me. LO was/is tiny (7 weeks and still fitting into newborn diapers) and my 2 Grovia's leaked *every* time I used them. I even went to the Diaper Lab in Somerville to have them look at him with the diaper on and they agreed, it just wasn't a good diaper for him (they recommend tots bots - which I love!).
My diaper fail story - I bought a ton of newborn Kissas, having read the work so well and wanting to use fitteds but after 2 weeks or so, he would absolutely soak through them in about 10 min even though I washed them about 30 times prior (no kidding, I was nervous Apparently he is a heavy wetter. In hind sight, I would have not purchased either. I would have gone with prefolds for a week or so, until I knew his body type, and then talked to someone at the Diaper Lab about which would work best. I would have saved a few hundred dollars.
For what is't worth my favorite are Sloomb fitteds, by far, but you probably wouldn't be able to get any delivered by your due date. Bottombumpers, tots bots, and Swaddlebees also work brilliantly for us, but it took quite a bit of trial and error to get here!
Hey BGG - word to the wise Grovia's FAILED miserably for me. LO was/is tiny (7 weeks and still fitting into newborn diapers) and my 2 Grovia's leaked *every* time I used them. I even went to the Diaper Lab in Somerville to have them look at him with the diaper on and they agreed, it just wasn't a good diaper for him (they recommend tots bots - which I love!).
My diaper fail story - I bought a ton of newborn Kissas, having read the work so well and wanting to use fitteds but after 2 weeks or so, he would absolutely soak through them in about 10 min even though I washed them about 30 times prior (no kidding, I was nervous Apparently he is a heavy wetter. In hind sight, I would have not purchased either. I would have gone with prefolds for a week or so, until I knew his body type, and then talked to someone at the Diaper Lab about which would work best. I would have saved a few hundred dollars.
Yeah, I am waiting after all mostly due to frustration that the Kissed by the Moon store isn't calculating my cart correctly. Right now I have 6 GroVia one-sized shells but only 4 soakers. My newborn stash is 1/2 prefolds, 1/4 kissa, 1/4 workhorse fitted. We shall see.
For what is't worth my favorite are Sloomb fitteds, by far, but you probably wouldn't be able to get any delivered by your due date. Bottombumpers, tots bots, and Swaddlebees also work brilliantly for us, but it took quite a bit of trial and error to get here!
Yes I would agree with the PP. I actually purchased my grovias after LO was born bc I heard people liked them, and unfortunately they did not work at all for us. They are so darn cute though. I do have a few OS that I am going to try again once we start solids...Im hoping that its just the bf poop that wouldn't stay in them...
FWIW- the grovia AI2s are our go-to daytime diaper. We love them, and haven't had any problems with leaking. Our LO is still (mostly) EBF and it contains her poo just fine. But, it's true- what works for one may not work for another.
Baby boy H is here! Born 2/1/2014
Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
cotton babies has BG 4.0 OS Artist series buy 2 get 1 free. I used coupon code BESTDEAL and got 5% off (might just be for new customers). Came to 37.90 for 3 dipes that retail at 19.95 each! Free shipping too!
Re: any good cyber Monday cloth diaper deals?
Several places have GroVias Buy 2 get 1 free. Look at Diaper Pin's announcement list: https://www.diaperpin.com/forum09/announcements.asp
Also some deals posted in this thread: https://community.thebump.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/60617694.aspx
kelly's closet has buy 2 get 1 free grovias right now. also they are offering free shipping today on any order & triple diaper dollar rewards.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Hey BGG - word to the wise Grovia's FAILED miserably for me. LO was/is tiny (7 weeks and still fitting into newborn diapers) and my 2 Grovia's leaked *every* time I used them. I even went to the Diaper Lab in Somerville to have them look at him with the diaper on and they agreed, it just wasn't a good diaper for him (they recommend tots bots - which I love!).
My diaper fail story - I bought a ton of newborn Kissas, having read the work so well and wanting to use fitteds but after 2 weeks or so, he would absolutely soak through them in about 10 min even though I washed them about 30 times prior (no kidding, I was nervous
Apparently he is a heavy wetter. In hind sight, I would have not purchased either. I would have gone with prefolds for a week or so, until I knew his body type, and then talked to someone at the Diaper Lab about which would work best. I would have saved a few hundred dollars.
For what is't worth my favorite are Sloomb fitteds, by far, but you probably wouldn't be able to get any delivered by your due date. Bottombumpers, tots bots, and Swaddlebees also work brilliantly for us, but it took quite a bit of trial and error to get here!
FWIW I love my grovia NB & grovia AIO's. Those and BG XS were my favorite newborn diapers.
My kiddos were tiny (4lb 3oz & 4lb 11oz) and grovia's worked great for them from the start. Again it's one of those every baby is different things.
Little Neetchers has a 20% off code on their FB page. I'm pretty sure they have Gro-Via.