Hawaii Babies

Sad news

I wasn't sure if I should post here or FB but I figured I'd post this here since this is where I originally posted about my pregnancy.... I was in the ER last week due to pain and spotting and they discovered that the gestational sac was an abnormalshape and that I would most likely miscarry. My OB also confirmed this. So I'm playing the waiting game for one more week and then I will most likely have a D&C. Thank you for the warm welcomes and support. I hope to be back here (or FB) someday!

Re: Sad news

  • I am so sorry to read this. I've been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing. Please take care and know that I am sending you positive, healing vibes from across the miles. And I hope, that when the time is right, you'll be back!
  • I'm so sorry to hear this :(  I hope you will be back soon!  Thinking of you.
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    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
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  • Oh no. So so sorry to hear this. Do take care and hope to see you soon!
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  • *****hugs****

    I haven't been on this board in weeks but something told me to check here. I am so sorry about this news. nothing we say/do will change what is happening to you or the feelings you are feeling but know that we all love and support you here.  please stay, there's no reason to leave :(  unless of course you need a break, but I hope that you don't feel like you have to be PG to hang out here/on FB

  • I am so, so sorry for your loss. As Jaime said, please don't feel like you have to leave - I know this is a baby board, but we love you and want you around no matter what (and ditto for FB). (((hugs)))
    * the artist formerly known as redshoegirl *
    life in oz

  • So sorry for your loss.  Like pp, please stay!!
  • Thanks for the support, ladies. It's nice to feel loved! I've missed you guys. I might need a brief mental break from FB/TB/baby-keiki talk but I won't wait until I'm pregnant again to post next time. I'll be back, promise!
  • Something told me to come here too... I am so sorry to hear the news.  I am thinking of you and sending you love and strength.  Please take care of yourself, big hugs.
    I love Hawaii!

    Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married

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  • imageminimonster:
    Thanks for the support, ladies. It's nice to feel loved! I've missed you guys. I might need a brief mental break from FB/TB/baby-keiki talk but I won't wait until I'm pregnant again to post next time. I'll be back, promise!

    Yes, we love you and we've missed you too!  I'm so sorry to hear the sad news.  =(  *hugs*

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  • I was JUST going to message Lisa to see if she heard anything and came here to check first. I'm so sorry. Will be thinking about you.
  • I'm so sorry to hear your news.  Take care of yourself and come back when you are ready.  Sending hugs and prayers your way...
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