I know every preemie is very different but just wanted an idea. I just had my baby at 30 weeks and was wondering how long you all had to have your baby in the NICU? I know it could be weeks or even months just would like to put a number to it to make it a little more real for me to put in to perspective.
Re: Question?
Our NICU always said to go by the due date, and our DS came home on his due date exactly. However, your baby was older than ours and is a good size, so it will probably be sooner. Our NICU had the following milestones needed to go home:
-able to maintain own body temperature
-able to take all feeds at breast or by bottle
-able to breath on own
-no apneas or bradies for 7 days
Of course, some babies go home on monitors or on supplemental oxygen or with a G tube, but ideally, they were looking for babies to achieve all those things before discharge. Good luck. The NICU is a crazy roller coaster but it sounds like your DS is already doing great!
My boys were 30 weekers. They were both quite a bit smaller than your DS, one was 2lb 7oz the other was 3lb 10 oz. The bigger baby was in the NICU for about 5 weeks - for about the last 2-3 weeks we were just waiting for him to learn how to take all of his feeds by bottle/breast. The little guy was in the NICU for 8 weeks, because we had to wait for him to get big and strong enough to not need oxygen, then we had to wait for him to get strong enough to take all of his feeds by bottle/breast.
Hang in there! I know it sounds crazy to believe now, but your son will be home soon, and soon the NICU nightmare will be nothing but a memory.
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We had our twins at 29w4d and they spent 45 and 50 days in the NICU.
Good luck!
My son was born at 29 and 6, and was in the NICU for 7 weeks. He had to have 7 days free of A's and B's, be all bottle and breast for feedings, and maintain his temp. They told us most babies go home around 37+ weeks. According to the docs and nurses, his "stay" in the NICU was typical of that of a 30 weeker, but your little one has size to his advantage, so that's great