Tristan is finally here!! He was born 11/23/11 @11:11 pm after 18 hours of labor. I made it to 7cm before I was rushed into an emergency csection. My pelvis was tilted and he couldn't get into the pelvis. He is healthy though and I am recovering. got some new baby questions for all of you though. I am BF and he is a snacker. How long before the snacking stops and he eats on a schedule? Any ways I can help make that happen? I have to go back to work after 6 weeks and want to make sure I am doing what I can to help him get on a schedule. Also I have tried the two swaddle wraps from target and neither are working. He is so tiny that even the newborn ones are to big. Any suggestions to get him swaddled so he sleeps better?
Thank you ladies!!
Re: Tristan is here!!
I wouldn't worry about the snacking right now. We're a "schedule" family and we never worried about it the first 2-3 weeks. All you have to do is make sure he's eating at LEAST every 2.5-3 hours during the day.
Have you tried the miracle blanket? If he's teeny tiny, I bet you could still get a good swaddle just using a receiving blanket. Google "escape proof swaddle" to get some good blanket-swaddle techniques.
ditto rssnlvr.
Congrats! Ditto the others on not worrying about a schedule right now. Also remember that as soon as you think you've got him on a schedule, he'll hit a growth spurt or something to mess it up. The only constant in the first year of life is that things are always changing so don't let it stress you out is my go-to for anything and everything nursing and I like this bit of encouragement from their website:
First of all, do know that frequent nursing is normal and expected in the early months - most newborns need to nurse at least 8 - 12 times per day. Frequent nursing is also needed -- to avoid/reduce engorgement in the early days, to nourish and grow a baby who has a stomach the size of his fist but who needs to double his weight within 5-6 months, to establish a good milk supply for mom, and to help a baby who has been cradled close and warm inside mom for 9 months adjust to life in the outside world. Frequent nursing may sometimes be a warning sign of inefficient milk transfer or low milk supply, but if baby has good diaper output, is gaining well and is generally happy and healthy, then the frequent nursing is unlikely to be a sign of a problem.
Remember that nursing is not just about food - it's also warmth, closeness, reassurance, comfort, healing, love... Nursing has been shown to reduce stress and pain in baby, too. If you're feeling that baby shouldn't be hungry again so soon - remember that it's sometimes Mom that baby needs just as much as the milk.
No advice on the nursing. As for the swaddle, we never used any swaddle specific blankets. We just used the baby blankets and created the swaddle ourselves. After a few tries, we were able to get it really tight.
Congrats again! Love the name!
Congrats!!! In the beginning, we loved the aden + anais swaddle blankets. They are huge so they fit a wide range of sizes. Good luck finding something that works!
I know I'm chiming in late but just wanted to say that DS is 4 months old and is still a snacker. In fact, I still feed him 8-10 times when I am with him all day. He just likes to snack and snuggle. :-) We are still living the on demand lifestyle and I'm sure we will be for quite a while.
Ditto what everyone else said, but especially the part about the schedule always changing. Just as soon as I think I've figured out a pattern for him, BAM, he goes and changes.