LGBT Parenting

Breast Pump??

Did you use one and if you did which one? I have been looking into a electric pump but when i read the reviews they are always mix making it hard for us to pick the right one.
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Re: Breast Pump??

  • Don't have any experience with them, but we're planning to go with either the electronic Medela or a hospital rental--whichever the insurance covers.
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  • I didn't know that you can get your insurance to cover one. I will have to look into that. 


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  • I had a Medela Pump in Style that I used at home and a hospital grade Medeal Symphony that I used at work (I work at a hospital.) I didn't notice any difference in my output or comfort between the two. The Pump in Style held up really well. I primarily pumped for the boys and figured that I pumped over 1800 in that year. No issues.
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  • Re: insurance. Yep, it's true!  It's my understanding this is a new option within the new Health Care bill--so that's why word is still getting out:) Check with your OB and/or insurance about how to get a free/subsidized one! 
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  • I had the medella pump n style at home and used the symphony at the nicu.  I exclusively pumped for 12 months and my pns held strong (with 6-8) pumping sessions per day for that period of time.  I also didn't notice a difference between the symphony and pns.  My insurance paid for my pump your ob will need to write a prescription.  Depending on your insurance this may or may not be covered.  Many insurance companies will only pay if it is a medical necessity (like a premature infant as E was too small to eat my mouth for 2 months).  It is always worth trying.  Mine was delivered to my hospital room prior to discharge through a medical supply company.
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  • imageFabi&Nita:

    I didn't know that you can get your insurance to cover one. I will have to look into that. 


    Its a new thing that I believe just went into affect or will be very soon.  It's an Obama thing.   We plan to take advantage of that.  We'll use whichever one is covered. 

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  • Thanks everyone!! We have a check up on Monday so we will for sure ask our Dr about the insurance.
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  • imageFabi&Nita:
    Thanks everyone!! We have a check up on Monday so we will for sure ask our Dr about the insurance.

    More than likely the doc will say they don't know anything about it.  Look on the back of your insurance card & give the # a call. 

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  • We have the Pump in Style as well. Wasn't covered by insurance back in May--but definitely worth asking!
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  • imageTaylorandMel:

    Thanks everyone!! We have a check up on Monday so we will for sure ask our Dr about the insurance.

    More than likely the doc will say they don't know anything about it.  Look on the back of your insurance card & give the # a call. 


    She actually did, she said we have to get a prescription :) we are so relieved to hear that cause pumps can be so expensive.

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